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I left in the middle of the night. Shit, I never even fully fell asleep. How fucking could I? I just made out with Olivia fucking Jackson and put her to bed .

I had feelings for her. I don't know if she has the same for me or if she's just in a difficult situation right now and was vulnerable, but she kissed me back.

That wasn't the main reason why I was so confused that night, though. I kept asking myself if this meant I was over Jules. When I met Jules, I could have sworn I've never loved anybody else as much as I loved her. But now, my situation with Olivia is like deja vu; it was almost exactly how me and Jules started.

I didn't know what to fucking do, so I chose to walk away. Mainly because if there was the slightest chance of me and Olivia ever being something, the slightest fucking chance the girl wasn't straight, I wouldn't be able to take it if we started and ended like me and Jules.

Olivia woke up the next morning in a fog.
As she pressed the remote control to open her blinds, she saw the rainy and gloomy weather. There was a storm coming that night, and it already seemed as if it was brewing.

Liv walked out to the hallway and cracked open the bedroom door Fezco was laying in. When she saw he was still on his back with his eyes closed, she walked in some more and shut the door behind her.

She slide open the balcony door and looked outside. Then, she heard some mumbling behind her.

When Liv turned around, she saw Fezco with his eyes open and hand in front of his face, squinting from the sunlight Liv just let into the room.

She gasped, smiled, and quickly walked up to him.

"Jesus fucking christ." She whispered, closing her eyes and holding his head. He looked up and gave her a confused expression.

"Woah, woah. Who the hell are you?" He asked, putting his hands up.

Liv let go of him, her smiling falling from her face. She shook her head. No way this was fucking happening.

But Fezco saw that sad look in her eye and couldn't bare it.

"Chill. I'm joking. I couldn't forget you if I tried." He chuckled, even though it kind of hurt.

She let out a scoff and shook her head.

"Not funny." She sighed, but she couldn't help but smile.

After a second of the two hugging, Fezco started remembering everything that had happened. The raid, Ashtray, and the image of the house burning down as he bled out in the back of Liv's jeep all started coming back to him.

"Ashtray. Is he.."

"He's fine. Your grandma's fine. Ash has been giving her her medicine and everything until you woke." Olivia informed. Fezco shook his head.

"But the house..."

Liv looked down at Fez. She saw the look in his eyes and started regretting what she had done. She wondered if maybe it wasn't the right decision.

"Um...everything's destroyed. I figured you and Ash would have to start fresh. I cant loose either one of you and there were a lot of dead cops. So..."

"So you burnt the place down." Fezco finished for her. Olivia nodded solemnly, nervous for Fez's reaction.

"Good. That's good. Me and him are gonna have to move far away from here." He said.

Liv let out a sigh. Her and Fez were on the same page.


"I'm gonna use the money my parents left me for college. We're gonna run." She explained what she was thinking. Immedietly, Fezco shook his head.

"Nah. We ain't doin' that shit. Me and Ash will figure something out. You're gonna stay right here." He said.

Olivia scoffed and got off of the bed, walking to the end of it. She saw Fezco laying there, staring at her like he already knew what she was going to say.

"Are you fucking kidding me? When are you going to start getting it through your head that you don't need to protect me?" She asked, getting mad and crossing her arms over her chest. Fez sighed and opened his mouth to speak up, but Liv didn't let him.

"I lit the house on fire. I'm an accomplice. We're all criminals now, Fez. All on the run together. And even if we weren't, I still would go with you." She said.

"Liv.." Fez tried.

"I am responsible for my own actions. And, whether you like it or not, I'm not leaving you." Liv went on.

"Olivia!" Fez raised his voice.

"What?" Liv asked at the same volume.


Liv stopped and looked at Fezco. He looked defeated and tired, but most of all like he understood.

This isn't the first time the couple has had this argument, but it is the first time Fezco had had this look on his face while they had it.

"Okay?" Liv asked, partly wondering if she heard him correctly.

Fezco nodded.

"Come here." He said.

Olivia slowly walked back over to the bed, but eventually laid down next to Fezco's body. He held out his arms for her to get even closer, and she ended up laying her head down onto his chest, still being cautious of his wound.

"I love you, you know that?" Fez asked, looking down and giving Olivia a kiss on the head.

"I love you, too."

"And I'm always gonna wanna protect you. But you're right. You responsible for your own shit. So I'm gonna ask you before we decide to do all this; you know this means you ain't gonna be able to go to college?" He questioned. Liv stared at the covers.

"I know." She answered.

"And you know this means you can never come back? The life you have will change. All you're friends here, the people you love, Rue, BB, all your girls, gone."

"I know."

Liv felt Fezco's chest rise and fall. He sighed again.

"Alright then." He muttered.

She looked down at where the bullet had hit him, and then up at Fez's face. It was all so real.

"So when your healed, that's it. We run and we never come back." She said.

But, of course, things weren't gonna be that simple. Olivia is just too naive right now to realize.

authors note:
sorry i've literally been mia with this, i published two stories (ones like a mafia older guy kinda thing inspired by dress by taylor swift, i'm working on the second book for that now. the other ones a hunger games book) which u should definetly go read! i'll also be updating on this one a lot more since those are for the most part done for now

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