twenty seven

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The next morning, Liv woke up earlier than anyone else in the house to pick up Nate. Which was surprising, considering her and Fezco spent most of the night fucking things out.

Even though Liv and Fezco were in a really good place, I never understood the weird tension she always had with Nate. Maybe it was because they were so alike.

Or, maybe, it was because they had so much shit on each other.

Either way, it was there. At least, I always noticed it.

Olivia's Jeep pulled up to the jail. She was thankful it was a different officer than yesterday. When she went to the same pick up place as she did for Fezco and Ash, she parked her car and didn't get out until Nate was out of the gate.

When she saw him, he didn't look happy. But, instead of getting out, Liv only rolled down the window.

"Welcome back, sunshine." She said, slightly making fun of Nate's grumpy face. He rolled his eyes and got into the Jeep, slamming the door.

"You're late." He mumbled. Liv didn't move, only looked at him.

"It's six am."

"You were supposed to come yesterday."

Olivia scoffed and put the car in reverse, backing out.

"At least I got you out, Nate." She said. He stared out the window, visibly upset. A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again.

"They almost put me in the same pod as my dad. Do you have any idea what that would've been like for me?" Nate asked.

Olivia tried to put herself in Nate's shoes. She imagined if she would have to go to jail and see her dad there, especially if her dad was as bad as Cal.

Some part of her wish she could. At least then she'd get to see him.

Nate saw her face, and started to feel a little bad.

"I'm just saying-"

"I know. I told you I'd get you out right away and I didn't. I'm sorry." Olivia confessed.

Both her and Nate were shocked by her words. Neither of them expected her to do that, but she did.

The rest of the way to Nate's house was silent. Olivia thought long and hard about her dad, which lead her to thinking about her dad with Cal and their text messages. She knew Nate had the right to know the truth.

So, when they finally pulled up to Nate's driveway, she decided to give it to him.

"Listen...there's something you should know."

Nate turned to look over at Olivia. He noticed she was in a tank top and sweatpants.

He liked when she dressed down, especially with him.

"What?" He wondered. Liv let out a breath and thought some more. Did she really want to out her dad to Nate Jacobs of all people?

He had the right to know.

"A few weeks ago I was looking through my dads things and I found some..messages." Liv said, her and Nate making eye contact.

"Messages like..."

"Messages between him and Cal. It looked like they some kind of relationship." She explained. Nate's eyes closed and he sighed, letting his head fall back on the headrest.

"There were also, um, dick pics. Like, a lot of dick pics." Liv went on. Nate picked his head up.

"And you saw them?" He asked. Olivia nodded.

"Are you okay?"

She was a little taken back by Nate's concern, and was only able to nod her head.

"I just thought you should have the right to know."

Nate put his head in his hands. Olivia watched him. She felt bad he was so stressed, and she knew how she felt. They both had similar daddy issues.

"That's so fucked." He mumbled. Liv nodded, playing with her nails.

"I know."

More silence fell over them. Nate looked like he wanted to say something else, but his brother Aaron walked out of the house. Aaron looked over into Liv's Jeep and saw the two sitting together.

"I should go." Nate said, undoing his seatbelt. Olivia nodded, but put her hand on his bisep to stop him.

"Wait. Please don't tell anyone. It's still my dad, y'know?" She asked.

Nate looked down at her hand, making her quickly pull it away.

"I won't. I promise."

With that, Nate got out of the car, not acknowledging his brother and heading into the house.

Olivia pulled away before Aaron could come up to her if she wanted to, not knowing if she made the right decision or not.

author's note:
there will be at least one more liv and nate scene and one more party scene before the book ends. i felt like this one was kind of shitty lol
love u all!

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