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Jared: Hey Nate
Jared: How's life?

Stucky5Ever: Did something happen?

Dad: Again, that name sounds really familiar

Kyle: Idk
Kyle: It's alright

Tweety Pie: Why do I feel like it's not alright

Ghost: I've been dealing with some things 
Ghost: Like every 'human being'

Tin Can: Why did he put ' ' around human being

Dad: Nat, do I know anyone called Nate?

Ghost: And I really didn't sleep well last night

Big Bro: Oh no why

Mama Spider: No, Clint

Tweety Pie: I don't care

Kyle: I'm sorry

Tweety Pie: Great. Now I feel bad.

Tin Can: Are we ignoring the 'human' thing??

Ghost: That's fine

Jared: I just think I need a little me time

Dad: That's ok, take some time for yourself

Kyle: I just think I need a little free time

Big Bro: Mood

Moronic Oaf: What mood are you feeling?

Ghost: Little break from the shows and bus rides

Kyle: Yeah, last year I had a breakdown

Mama Spider: Do you need to talk to someone?
Mama Spider: Not me- Bruce
Mama Spider: He's a doctor

Mad Scientist: Not that kind of doctor

Jared: Thoughts telling me I'm lost getting too loud

Big Bro: Why does this sound familiar?

Ghost: Had to see a therapist and I found out

Mad Scientist: So I'm not needed then
Mad Scientist: Bye

Kyle: Something funny's going on up in my house

Jared: Yeah started thinking maybe I should move out

Ghost: Y'know pack my car, take a new route

Jared: Clean up my yard
Jared: Take the noose out

Tin Can: Is anyone else under the impression they aren't talking about moving house????

Mama Spider: No sh;t Tony

Kyle: Hang up my heart, let it air out

Love His Arm: LANGUAGE

Ghost: I've been searching


Jared: What does that mean, Nate?

Dad: Are you sure Nat?

Mama Spider: Pretty sure...

Kyle: I've been learning

Stucky4Ever: I'm glad to hear it
Stucky4Ever: Learning is the most important thing in life
Stucky4Ever: You have to learn to get anywhere

Tin Can: Shut up

Big Bro: Grabbing my keepsakes

Jared: Leaving my burdens

Dad: What do you mean, Pietro?

Kyle: Well I brought a few with me

Ghost: I'm perfect
Ghost: *Not

Big Bro: Looking at the view like this concerns me

Mama Spider: Pietro?
Mama Spider: Wait...

Kyle: Picking up the cues right?
Kyle: I'm quite nervous

Love His Arm: I'm quite confused

Tweety Pie: I'm quite annoyed

Big Bro: Hate it when I lose sight

Ghost: Life gets blurry

Jared: And things might hurt me

Kyle: It's probably gonna be a long journey

Moronic Oaf: I fear you have lost me here
Moronic Oaf: What journey are you going on?

Jared: But hey!

Dad: Is for horses

Ghost: It's worth it, though

Mama Spider: Cold world out there, kids, grab your coats

Moronic Oaf: Are you joining them on their journey, Lady Natasha?

Dad: NO
Dad: NAT
Dad: You've been infected too

Jared: Been a minute, I know, now I'm back to roam

Mama Spider: Relax Clint
Mama Spider: It's a song

Jared: Oh come onnnnn
Jared: I was having funnnnnnnnn
Jared: )))):

Mama Spider: Why do I feel weirdly guilty?

The song is The Search by NF in case anyone was wondering


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