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"Pokemon, I choose you!"


"Pick up three."

"Aw, man. Ok, um... go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect 200$."

"Ha. Snap."

"Go fish."


Tony blinked. Maybe being wake for over 40 hours might have its disadvantages, because for some reason he couldn't process the scene in front of him. It was a card game. Just a card game. But the rules... He was so confused. "What exactly is... this?"

Peter looked up from where he was sitting, cross-legged on the floor. Across from him were Nat and Clint, while Pietro was sprawled out next to him. "We're playing cards, Mr Tony Iron Man Stark, Sir."

"I've told you before Spidey, don't call me that." The man rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Oh! I am so sorry, Doctor Tony Iron Man Stark, Sir!"

Heaving a sigh large enough to be felt on the other side of the building, and wafting a distinct smell of coffee towards the four, Tony turned on his heel and promptly left.

"His face!" Clint chuckled.

Natasha placed an ace down (causing Clint to wince and shuffle through his cards) and turned to Peter, smiling. "You have a good innocent face, y'know that kid?"

"Makes up for your terrible lying skills." Pietro added.

"Thanks- hey!"

"Aw, you know I love you really, Baby Brother!" The speedster flung himself towards the boy, collapsing on him and smothering him in a bear hug.

"Shut up." A muffled voice replied.

Nat rolled her eyes in amusement. "Ladies, you're both pretty."

"You think so?" Clint turned to his friend, wide-eyed.

"Not you."

"Ouch." The man flinched back as if struck. "Harsh."

An hour later Peter, Natasha and Clint were huddled around a game of Scrabble. Pietro had opted out of the round, excusing himself to go play videogames in his room.

As Peter was focused, frowning at his tiles, the two adults exchanged looks. After a silent conversation, Nat looked to Peter, who paused, seeing the serious expression adorning her face. 

"You've been spending more and more time here lately, Spidey."

Peter froze. He was being a burden. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise I was intruding, I'm so sorry. I'll go." He stood, his hand shaking slightly, and wobbled on his feet at the pins and needles which had suddenly struck.

"No, that's not what I mean." The ginger assassin rushed to reassure him.

Clint cut in. "What she means, Kid, is is there something going on at home?"

Peter paused, then awkwardly shook his head, laughing slightly. "No, of course not, Mum, Dad."

"You can't lie to me Kiddo. What's going on?" The archer questioned him. They- Natasha and himself- were worried about the teen they thought of as their own. Small actions, like his shaking hand, were adding up and painting an unpleasant picture.

"Are things... ok? At home?" Natasha probed gently.

"What?" Shocked at what they were insinuating, the boy took a step forward. "Of course they are! Why, why wouldn't they be?"

Nat opened her mouth to reassure him again, but he continued on, words spilling out of his mouth like an avalanche.

"Everything is fine! My Aunt is happy, so, so am I! And yeah, I'm giving her a bit of space, but that's fine. She's fine. She's happy so why are you saying that!? My- she- she would never hurt me, if that's what your saying! She loves me and I love her and we're fine, she's happy and it's all fine. Alright?"

"Alright." Clint mumbled softly.

Natasha, who had been taken aback by the outburst, took a moment to compose herself. "She's happy. But are you?"

"I- why are you asking that?" Peter sat heavily, looking at them, confused and wide-eyed. 

"You're giving her space," Nat summarised, compiling a story from the rush of information she had been given. "But do you want to?"

"I- yeah. Of course. It's making her happy." Peter lowered his eyes and spoke slowly. "It's just. I miss her, a bit. Kind of." He scrunched up his eyebrows. "I'm used to not seeing her. That's fine. It's just in the evenings, really. She goes out a lot. Not to a bar or anything. With her boyfriend. It's like. She's not really there anymore. Not that she has to be. She sacrificed a lot taking me in and she's happy now, and I would never take that away from her or anything." He stopped.

Kind of just stopping there, sorry, wasn't sure how to phrase the next part and y'all've waited long enough for an update (sorry).

Cya xx


"He really... exploded on us in there." Natasha turned to Clint, turning her statement into a question. Although she was an expert in emotional manipulation, reading people (including their emotions), and had many years of general people-skills, she had a slight problem keeping up with teenagers' emotions, mostly because during her childhood emotions were a no-no, and since then she had interacted with very few teens.

"Like, really went 0-60 on us," she joked.

"When it looks like people go 0-60," Clint replied, uncharacteristically seriously, "It just means that they've been at 59 for a while and no one has noticed."

He paused. "I read that on Pinterest!" And skipped away.

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