Chapter 49 Set In Motion

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No one's POV

Currently, within Armonia, the Capital City of Chorus, Doyle walks up towards an intercom, beginning to speak.

Doyle: (clears throat)

Three members of the Federal army are talking to each other when they hear Doyle over the intercom.

Doyle: Men, may I have your attention please?

Elsewhere, Kimball is doing the same, speaking to the Rebels over an intercom.

Kimball: Alright everyone, listen up. Today's the day.

Doyle and Kimball, continued speaking to their respective armies.

Doyle: Today is the day we defend this once great city from those who wish to take it for themselves.

Kimball: You all know your roles. Squads will split up and surround the capital, then we sneak in and hit them from all sides.

Doyle: Once the enemy has entered the city, the exits will be sealed and any hope of retreat will be dashed.

Kimball: I won't lie to you, today maybe one of the worst days of your life. And for many of us, it's going to be the last. But we can't give up. We've come too far and lost too much to throw this all away.

Doyle: The New Republic believes they can end this war today. And they are correct. What they fail to realize is that the Federal Army of Chorus shall be the ones standing victorious after the smoke is clear.

Kimball: So remember the plan-

Doyle: -remember your training. And most of all-

Kimball: -remember what you're fighting for.

Bitters: Yeah, we're totally dead.

Smith hits him.

Bitters: Ow!

Smith: Not. The time.

Back with Doyle, he sighs after the speech.

Locus: Well said.

Scarlet: Looks like you're little speech got everyone pumped up.

Doyle turns around to see Locus and Scarlet behind him, making him jump.

Doyle: Oh my- Locus, Scarlet, yes. Oh dear God man, you both nearly gave me a heart attack.

Locus: Sir, we have some rather urgent news.

Doyle: Right. Well, spit it out then.

Scarlet: Well, we've just been informed that the New Republic has dispatched the mercenaries to scout ahead for their forces.

Doyle: My word, first the news of their invasion and now this? Heh, you are just a wealth of information aren't you?

Scarlet: Well, we aim to please.

Locus: We'll be leaving to track them down.

Locus and Scarlet both started to walk away.

Doyle: Oh yes, yes. ... Wait, no, no, NO! Yo-yo-yo-you can't just leave! W-what about the ah- the impending battle? I need you both here, by my side to ah- boost the moral of the troops!

Locus: Don't be concerned General. Once I've taken care of this issue, We'll return to take care of you.

Doyle: Oh right. Uh yes, YES! Ah- excellent thinking Locus. I can always count on you to get the job done!

Elsewhere, back with the Reds and Blues at the fueling station. Caboose presents Freckles' storage unit to Epsilon.

 Caboose presents Freckles' storage unit to Epsilon

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