Chapter 74 Docudrama

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No one's POV

Upon Caboose and Lopez appearing the closet, Caboose shows a Slideshow of the events he and Lopez experienced while time travelling. These include teaching cavemen how to make fire, burning down the library of Alexandria, causing the fire of London, causing the Hindenburg explosion, igniting the First World War by giving a gun to Gavrilo Princip, asking Coffee Man for 2 cups of Coffee (before he gets shot by South Dakota) and establishing the Rooster Teeth company.

 These include teaching cavemen how to make fire, burning down the library of Alexandria, causing the fire of London, causing the Hindenburg explosion, igniting the First World War by giving a gun to Gavrilo Princip, asking Coffee Man for 2 cups o...

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Washington: Wasn't that...

Carolina: ...-_-... It was...

One: ...O-O... Did Caboose really screw over South and get her caught in that mission...?

Zero: ...-_-... That makes it twice that he did that to her, and that's a bit crazy...

Maverick: That was an experience...

Scarlet: That's putting it lightly...

Jax: I'm gonna need some time to process this. Ten, fifteen years should be enough.

Simmons: Told you so.

Carolina: At least we're still standing here, right? Caboose didn't erase anybody.

Jax: Yah! That we know of! Uh, it is a good point though. Caboose's travels in time are--

Caboose: Are in time for what? Am I late?

Simmons: Time travels, Caboose.

Caboose: Sure it does. Really makes you think. [Whispers.] Circles.

Jax: As I was saying--

George: Pardon—ah, dear Director? We're all set up and waiting for you.

Jax: Cancel the shoot! This is way too important.

George: Understood! We shall shoot the maiming scene another day, I guess.

Jax: Whoa, we're up to that? Fuck yeah, time travel can wait! Ah, okay, wait. Real quick. There's still one more piece to this puzzle.

One: The paradox question.

Jax: Right. So far, all the time traveling can be explained away by a really weird closed loop. No one's done anything that would prevent them from traveling in time in the first place. If you do that, let me know what happens! If there's still a me. And there's still a happens.

Zero: Speaking of closed loops—my migraine has a migraine, which also has a migraine, and surprise, surprise, it has one too... I'll, um—I'll see you guys later. I'm going to lay down for a minute...

One: Do you need me to go with you?

Zero: No, I'm good...

Carolina watches Zero walk out of the room and sighed, as Maverick looked at Scarlet, who nodded. With Zero, he's walking through one of the buildings by himself holding his head, when a crew member runs up to him.

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