Prologue Zero and One

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No one's POV

Currently, in an unknown forest, someone with black armor. Once he reach a ledge, he could see a large base in the far distance.

???: One, you copy?

One: Loud and clear, Zero

Zero: Are you in position?

Currently, two miles away laying prone on the ground, a girl with blue armor, with her sniper, One has her scope locked on the base.

One: Yeah. I have a clear visual on the base.

Zero: We have about one hour before the target arrives. Should give me just enough time to get into the base and download the files we need. At the same time, a HVT is supposed to be landing there as well.

One: So two birds with one stone.

Zero: Exactly. I'll extract the data, while you take out the HVT. Regardless if I'm still in the base or not, you take the shot, got it? That HVT doesn't leave that base.

One: I know. He won't. Good luck, big bro.

Zero: You too, little sis.

Zero then jumped down and started making his way to the base and over the ledge and saw the soldiers in the base. Zero jumped down, drawing his one his combat knifes stabbing one of the guards in the neck , killing him and throwing his body into the river. As Zero continued making his way through the base , a guard on a watchtower saw him, but is quickly shot by Zero with one of his silenced pistol.

After making it into the building, Zero stealthy made it into the data room, and started extracting the data they needed, and with One, she looked up and saw a transport ship flying over head and towards the base.

One: Zero, HVT is getting ready to land.

Zero: Right. Get ready to take the shot.

One: Roger that.

As the transport ship began to land, One began to line up her shot and started to led the target into her cross heir. As he and his guards were walking out with him,

One then took the shot and hit the HVT in the head, killing him instantly

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One then took the shot and hit the HVT in the head, killing him instantly. The guards and soldiers all looked completely shocked, seeing the HVT falling to the ground.

Soldier: SNIPER!!!

Soldier#2: High alert, repeat high alert!

Just as the base went on high alert, Zero had already extracted the data and was already leaving the base, with them being none the wiser of his presence.

Zero: Oh, right on time.

One: I take it you're already out the base?

Zero: Oh but of course. And from those alarms, I take it you didn't miss?

Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC/Male reader x RvB)Where stories live. Discover now