Chapter 51 This Is War...

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No one's POV

Currently, One, Wash, Maine, Sarge, Donut and Lopez were speaking with Kimball and Doyle, overlooking the compound.

Kimball: So what do you think?

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Kimball: So what do you think?

Doyle: I think it's an absolute mess.

Kimball: Well your army didn't exactly leave us with many options over the years.

Doyle: Yes. Well I suppose we can't expect you to continue operating out of a hole in the ground. I'll talk with one of my new advisers and see if we can have your people set up at another one of our outposts.

Kimball: I was actually thinking about moving to the capital.

Doyle: Well that's preposterous.

Kimball: Excuse me? My men deserve a roof over their heads, just like yours.

Kimball: Excuse me? My men deserve a roof over their heads, just like yours

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One: Come on, you two...

Washington: You both agreed to a temporary truce, so why don't you start with a little cooperation.

Doyle: Very well... I will see what we can do. Agent Washington, Agent One, you both have my thanks.

Kimball: And mine. If it wasn't for you all, we'd all be gone.

Washington: Well... thanks, but you should really thank Tucker.

One: The whole plan was actually his idea.

Kimball: Is that so.

Sarge: Kind of a shocker, huh?

Kimball: No, not really.

Doyle: If there's anything we can ever do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Donut: Oh gosh, I don't think that's really necess-

Sarge: What's a rank higher than captain?

One: ...-_-...Oh, we're doing this again...

Doyle: Um, Colonel?

Sarge: Promote me to Colonel!

Doyle: Oh! very well then. I- In honor of your service, I hereby promote you to Colonel...uh...Sarge.

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