Extra Chapter #2 Bad Dreams

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No one's POV

2 weeks into the war against Hargrove

Currently within his room in the capital, Zero was asleep, when he could hear his name being called.

???:  Zero... Zero... ZERO!

Zero startled, waking from his - surprisingly deep sleep. His head shot up, banging harshly against the metal of the wall his bed was sunken into. Groaning, he clutched at his head, annoyed, only to see Epsilon, floating in the room beside him, the glow of his holographic construct standing out within his dark room. Tex, then appeared as well, increasing the glow of light within his room.

Tex: The fuck do you want, Church?

Epsilon: Calm the fuck down, I need to talk to Zero.

Zero: ...-_-... And this couldn't wait until the morning, why? And if it's about waking up Caboose, It's Tucker's turn. Wash made that schedule for a reason...

Epsilon: Can we not be smartasses right now? Please?

Tex: Are you lecturing someone on how not to be a smartass right now?

Epsilon: Oh will you fuck off? Carolina needs Zero's help.

Zero looked at Epsilon confused, along with Tex.

Tex: What?

Zero: What happened? Is she okay?

Epsilon: Yeah, Zero, she's great.

Zero: What's happening?

Epsilon scratched at the back of his nonexistent head.

Epsilon: Look, usually I wouldn't even bother you about this...in fact, she's probably gonna kick my ass for doing it, but this is the third night in a row she hasn't slept, and I finally got a look at why and...just go help her, yeah?

Zero: Why isn't she sleeping?

Epsilon: Yeah, I'm not walking that far into the minefield, Zero. She'll pull me for a month if I reveal that much of her humanity.

Zero just rolled his eyes, wiping his face.

Zero: ...-_-... Right... Can't have the troops thinking our fearless leader isn't fearless...

Epsilon: Yeah, well, you know how she is. Takes after her mother...

Zero: Oh believe me, I know.

Tex: Okay, both of you can suck on my non existent dick.

Zero just rolled his eyes and stood up stretching.

Zero: I'll go...see what I can do.

Epsilon: Dressed like that?

Zero: ...-_-...What? I'm wearing a t shirt and pajama pants. I'm not walking in their fully armored in 3 in the morning...

Epsilon: Eh.

Tex: How very human.

Zero: ...-_-... Whatever. You make it sound like she sleeps in her armor, even here...

Epsilon: Eh, she's pretty much the same as you. Oversized t-shirt and panties. Yeah, she used to sleep naked but...Tucker, you know?

Zero and Tex both looked at each other, and then Epsilon.

Tex: That perverted dipshit. 

Zero: Tucker has seen Carolina naked?

Epsilon: ...-_-... The fact that he didn't manage to is the only reason he's still alive.

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