PSA New Holidays

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No one's POV

Simmons: Oh, hello. I'm captain Dick Simmons. You may know me from the global video sensation Red vs Blue. As well as the Fan story, Zero to One. And as a famous online celebrity you can definitely trust my opinion.

One: And I'm Agent One.

Simmons: That's an excellent point One. Regular holidays are boring and lame.

One: Excuse me, what?

Simmons: What we need are newer, more exciting holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas? Blegh! How passé. Did you know your grandparents celebrated those holidays? And they're old!

One: I never knew my grandparents...

Simmons: I know, right! You wouldn't wear the same clothes as your grandparents, so why celebrate the same holidays?

One: Hey! Don't talk about my grandparents that I've never met before!

Simmoms: Why yes, I do consider myself a young and hip trendsetter. Thank you for saying that One.

One: ...-_-... Don't just interpret me like I'm Lopez, you ass.

Simmons: And I know some new edgier holidays we can celebrate instead. Join, me won't you?

Simmons: On 'Thanksgimme', we give people the opportunity to thank us for all the good things we do for them, which they have selfishly forgot to be grateful for.

Elsewhere, currently Zero was repairing a Warthog, with Carolina helping him, when Tucker walked up to them.

Tucker: Hey Zero , I know you and Carolina are probably dating now. So I made sure not to check out her butt, when she dropped her rifle this morning.

The two of them looked back at Tucker annoyed.

Zero: First of all, we're not dating. And second, What?!

Carolina: Excuse me...!?

Tucker: Whoa, whoa, I said I *didn't* check out your butt-

Carolina just aimed her Needlers at Tucker, even more annoyed.

Carolina: Saying it a second time does not make it better!

Tucker: Aren't you gonna thank me?

Zero and Carolina both looked at each other dumbfounded.

Carolina: "Thank you"...?? What kind of-

Suddenly Sarge walked over to the three of them.

Sarge: Hello, female of indeterminate allegiance. And blues.... I had you both in my sights, was about to shoot you in the back but then... I didn't.

Tucker: Thank you, Sarge.

Carolina: What?

Sarge: Happy 'Thanksgimme'...dirt bag.

Zero: ...The hell?

Tucker: Looks like someone just doesn't understand the meaning of Thanksgimme. [Carolina shoots him in the lap] Ow!

Carolina: You know I was thinking about neutering you, but I settled on a flesh wound instead. Now, what do you say?

Tucker: Thank you...

Carolina: Damn straight!

Back with One and Simmons.

One: What the hell was that?

Simmons : I agree, that was heartwarming. Next up, we have Saint Peppy's day.

One: Stop doing that! Also, Saint who?

Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC/Male reader x RvB)Where stories live. Discover now