Tea in The Garden

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"Julie, you're here!" Elizabeth shrieked, leaping upon the silverette standing in front of her. Both girls smiled as they embraced. Behind them stood Charles, patiently waiting and watching with a kind smile plastered on his face.

"Of course I am, Lizzie!" Julie answered, gently pushing her childhood friend away, "I wouldn't miss your tea party for the world!"

"Shall we head to the garden then?" Elizabeth asked.

"Mhm!" Julie replied.

The duo began walking with Charles following behind them, hardly missing a step as they explored the Midford mansion. They ran into Edward, Lizzie's twin brother, at one point and he joined them as a guide of sorts.


Upon reaching their destination, Julie stepped out into the clean grass with the sun shining in her silver hair. A mixture of glee and surprise was present as she shifted her gaze around.

Set in the center of the garden was a long table, donning a white tablecloth, with an entire set of matching utensils and cups placed about the tabletop in an elegant yet sophisticated fashion. A variety of different desserts occupied the silver platter in the center. Four pink chairs were scattered at the ends and sides, clearly enough to seat Julie, Elizabeth, Charles and one more guest.

"Let's start the tea party!" Elizabeth shouted, snatching the silverette's hand and pulling her forward. Julie nodded with a giggle as she and Elizabeth settled into their respective seats.

Charles also sat down a few feet away, wielding a white cello between his legs. The pleasant sound of music filled the lively air as the girls partook of their small feast.

Night quickly fell upon them like a snare and the feast ceased to exist. Dishes were carried inside along with the table and chairs. Elizabeth was ushered to her bedroom to change into her nightgown with the help of her personal maid, Paula.

Meanwhile, Charles assisted in the kitchen, leaving Julie alone in the foyer to amuse herself before departure. Once the lights were out, both mistress and servant walked outside into the cool night air.

Charles and Julie strolled toward their carriage which lay waiting in front of the Midford manor. They climbed in and soon were on their merry way.

Julie sat in her seat and gazed into the evening sky. She seemed engrossed by the endless stream of shiny stars that twinkled in the darkness like a million lanterns. Her silver locks appeared slightly dark grey, almost black, under the shadow of the carriage's roof.

Charles sat quietly next to her, watching her face with curiosity in his emerald green eyes. He did not attempt to break the silence between them unless she addressed him first.

"Charles, I had fun today at the tea party with Lizzie. Wouldn't you agree?" Julie inquired, slowly turning her gaze in his direction. Her pale pink lips turned upward into a gentle smile.

"Yes, Mistress," Charles replied politely, returning the gesture.

"...If I had truly perished in that fire years ago, I wouldn't be sitting here right now and you'd still be in Hell," Julie muttered under her breath, brushing her fingers over her eyes.

"We can't afford to dwell on the past, Mistress Julie. You should be grateful for what you have in the present times," Charles consoled, placing his gloved hand on her right shoulder. He sensed her tremble then withdrew his hand so as not to cause her discomfort.

The carriage gradually ceased to move as they pulled up to the Windsor manor. Julie climbed out through the left carriage door without waiting for Charles and walked toward the front in silence.

He appeared at her right side and pushed open the front door, revealing the darkness that engulfed the entire manor. He turned on a few lights as the duo walked down the hallway toward the staircase resting at the end of the hall.

Charles avoided Julie's cold, blank gaze as he undressed her then laid her down on her bed, placing its sheets over her body.

"Goodnight," he whispered softly, closing the door behind himself afterward. The sound of his shoes clicking against the floor echoed until he disappeared into the cellar below the main floor.

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