I Only Wait For You [Ciel x OC]

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"Ciel, are you perhaps busy?" Julie inquired with slight worry in her usually bright blue eyes, her pale hands gripping the black medium layered skirt of her ensemble.

Her elbows pressed against the pink embroidered blouse that hugged her relatively flat chest, a slightly droopy pink feathered hat sat in place on her head, and black rose earrings reflected the light from the windows as sunlight lit up the usually silent and dreary study hall.

"Yes, I am. Is there something you would like to tell me?" Ciel replied, his eyes somewhat glued to a piece of paperwork that rested in his hands as he studied it.

"I was wondering if we could take a tea break in the garden this afternoon, if you wouldn't mind of course," she asked a bit timidly, her cheeks suddenly flushing pink.

She half-expected him to shake his head and tell her to simply leave his study.

But what she really received was something completely unexpected.

"I would like that, Julie. Have Sebastian prepare the tea and make sure Finny doesn't destroy the garden," he replied with a nod, a grin suddenly plastering his face.

"Y-Yes, my lord!" She practically was jumping for joy, but kept her feelings bottled up inside, refusing to let them show until the moment was right.


"Ah~! It feels like spring will be here soon, Ciel," Julie sighed happily, a genuine smile ever present while the duo sipped their Earl Grey tea - Ciel's personal favorite.

"Indeed it will, Julie," the bluette boy gazed upon the lush scenery of the garden, feeling almost at peace with himself.

"Um, Ciel... I-I have something I must confess," the silverette set down her tea cup, a shadow fell over her flushed cheeks as she slowly stood up, her hands fiddling with the hem of her skirt for a moment.

"Since we were children, I've come to know you better, Ciel. But something happened that I can not describe with my own words... T-The truth is - I love you!"

Tears struck her eyelids, rapidly falling down her fair and burning cheeks as she confessed.

The look of shock was evident in the young earl's right eye. He was speechless. Ciel tried to recollect himself before he said something that would have broken her heart.

Just as he was about to answer her heartfelt confession, rain suddenly poured down from the once clear blue sky above. The earl quickly pulled the crying girl into his arms, kissing her quivering sweet lips. It came as a shock to her, but she felt herself melt in his embrace, closing her eyes.

H-He loves me...

The words rang in her head as he released her.

"A girl shouldn't cry, it's unsightly," he said, pulling out a handkerchief from his pant pocket. Ciel handed it over to Julie and she wiped away her tears.

"Ciel, will this interfere with your engagement to Elizabeth?" Julie inquired, her face a bit puffy from crying.

Looking at her, he closed his eyes with a nod. "Yes, it will. We might have to call off the engagement entirely, although it's not like I don't love her..." He trailed off, clutching his fists.

"I-I know you do, Ciel. I've known that all along, but I don't want you to hurt Lizzie's feelings," Julie remarked, grabbing his hands.

"Let's go back inside, we'll catch a cold if we stay out here in this dreadful rain any longer," Ciel solemnly stated. He led the way back to the manor and Julie followed suit.

They were immediately greeted by Sebastian's tall figure, who held open the door for the duo with a smirk on his face.


A/N: I apologize if this one-shot was a bit cheesy, I wanted a little more interaction between Julie and Ciel. The next one-shot won't be like this one, I promise! But anyway, what did you like about it at all? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did when writing it out.

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