You Have A Sister?! [Elizabeth x Ciel x OC]

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Taking a moment to breathe, Elizabeth put a smile on her face and walked past the double doors of the manor with another girl following behind her petite figure.

"Ciel~!! There is someone I want you to meet!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, which, of course, caused others to cover their ears.

"How did you get in here, Lizzy?!" The bluette shouted back, now descending the staircase with Sebastian following like a faithful dog.

Without a word, Elizabeth forced her so-called 'sister' to stand in front of her and pushed her forward a bit.

The blondette of a twin stared up at the Earl for a couple moments then caught herself and bowed politely as part of her self-introduction.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ciel Phantomhive! I am Madeline Midford, Elizabeth's twin sister," the girl said quietly.

"W-what?! This is absurd! I don't recall you ever having a sister, Lizzy!" Ciel exclaimed, his only blue eye widened a bit in disbelief while he shouted his denial.

"Neither did I until today - Mother found her at our doorstep this morning!!" Elizabeth replied excitedly, clapping her hands together while her smile also widened.

In all seriousness, Ciel closed his eyes and slapped himself in the face after learning that little bit of news. Sebastian simply stood by, silently chuckling to himself at the Earl's idiocy.

"Do you honestly believe she is really a relative of ours, Lizzy?!" The bluette gasped in exasperation, shaking his head.

"Of course, silly! I've always wanted a sibling!!" Elizabeth cheered, suddenly hugging Madeline by her waist.

"Ridiculous..." Ciel sighed, after finally reaching the last step of the manor staircase, and then stood in front of the two girls.

The end...


A/N: Oh, look - another BB one-shot! :'D

I originally was going to work on the overdue 2nd chapter of a fanfic I started a long time ago (guess which one xD) but I couldn't find any good prompts for that. ;-;

So instead, I decided to write this. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it more than I do. owo;;

Have a good day, cuties! :3c

EDIT: OMFG 1.2k reads?! I'm so happy! :D

Thank you guys so much to reading my stuff, I hope you've enjoyed all that I have written in this one-shot collection, don't be afraid to share this with your friends - I'd appreciate it a lot!

Vote and/or comment if you like this one-shot. cx

FYI: Madeline is the MC of an upcoming BB fanfic I'll be writing eventually. ^^

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