Not an Angel.

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I watch as she pour the cold beverage on the poor girl and i couldn't do anything but to sigh and shake my head.

She did it again.

"Next time, choose where to stand." She said to the crying girl before throwing the bottle on it's head.

She turned her heels and before she could make a step, her eyes has found mine. I didn't avert my gaze and showed her my disappointed face but she spare me a look that says she doesn't care at anything that concerns the situation she made.

She rolled her eyes at me before going out of the cafeteria with her friends. Once i was sure that they're out of sight, i went to where the poor girl is and handed her the towel i have in my bag. If you'll ask why i have a towel in bag, it's because I'm a member of the school's dance club.

"You fine?" I asked the girl and she shook her head.

I sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry about her. She's just in a bad mood," i told her.

She's familiar to me actually, in a not so pleasant way.

"I.. it's fine. I'm sorry too, i know too well why she acted like that towards me. I'm well aware of the consequences but i still dared to bully you. I'm so sorry." She apologized and i only smile at her tightly.

"I'm fine, what you did is not so serious. I experience much worse than what you have done so we're cool. Just don't do that to anyone again." I told her and helped her stand on her feet.

I look around us and i saw that every student has been looking at our interaction. I suddenly felt shy.

I gave them a friendly smile before putting my index finger on my lips and motioned them to keep what they saw as a secret. I saw them smile back at me and they all nodded quietly, some responded with an 'okay' while some acted to zip their mouth and throw the key somewhere. I giggled.

"You're indeed an angel, Lisa." The girl infront of me said so i turned my head to her.

"Huh? How'd you say so?" I asked and pulled her to sit on a table beside us.

She lowered her head but i saw a small smile on her lips as she dry her hair using the towel i gave her.

"Cuz they wouldn't act that way otherwise. I'm really sorry." I chuckled at her before fixing my bag.

"That's fine, and thank you for the compliment. Angel doesn't suit me cuz i have my own bad sides, it's them who chose to be considerate. If I'm an angel, i believe they also deserve that title." I trailed as i stood up.

"You can keep the towel. And please don't say anything to that brat about this friendly action, okay? I don't like to see you all beaten up again. I would like to apologize for not being able to stop her earlier. We all know how she can go. Anyway..." I waved at her and she did the same.

I swung my bag on my shoulder and turned my heels to walk out of the area, but before that, i spared her a quick look.

"You deserve that angel title too." I said and smiled lastly before heading to where the dance club is.

I heard her shout her name which is Mira and i gave her a thumbs up.

Students that i ran through the hall gave me a warm looks on their eyes and i did the same. Although not all of them, some still hates me for being too nice. I won't blame them for being like that, people can be either really smart and incredibly stupid. It's a normal thing.

PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang