That's Yours!

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"There is no freaking way that's mine."

I said as i stood up abruptly and pointed at the 5 years old boy who's looking at me in what i think is pure amusement.

"What kind of eyes do you have to not see his face clearly? Don't you recognize this face, huh?!"

The girl with feline eyes across the center table replied as she also stood up to match the dominance that i am currently showing, she also pointed at the little boy's face to give justice to what she's pertaining to.

"How long have you been avoiding mirrors to not recognize your face on my son's?! And the audacity of you to use a filthy word infront of him?!"

She even added with a scowl.

Oh, my goodness! That sexy scowl! Ghad, I don't know why I'm saying this but damn! I miss feeling the same thing while looking at her face... What feeling you may ask? Well... Fear.

I was about to say something but my father who's sitting on my right tapped me on my hand.

I look at him and instantly, i got confused to see him holding a small mirror.

I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged before motioning to the little boy's direction which is beside her mommy.

I avert at the girl infront of me and offered a challenging look before getting the mirror from my father and pointed it to my face. I stared at my face's reflection and studied it even though i already know how good looking my face is, but! I can't go easy on this!

I nodded in satisfaction at my face after mentally i pictured my features before turning to the little boy and started comparing his face on mine.

My mouth went agape.


I raised the mirror i am holding with shaky hands and stared back and fort from my reflection to the kid then back to my reflection.


I whispered weakly as i felt my knees wobble.

"Exactly, bitc— i mean, girl."

The kid's mother said as she nods her head multiple times as if agreeing to what i am thinking. She almost slipped with words, even.

I don't know what to say right now. The kid and i really do looked similar as if he was my carbon copy, except younger.

Although, realizing that he might be my offspring. There is no way we can make him!

"He's... He's not mine! There's no way. I don't even have that organ!" I said quickly.

What meant was a dick. Yes, a dick. I don't have that so there's no way. I guess?

"Are you perhaps saying that i slept with another guy who looked like you and shares the same DNA as you?"

"No, of course not! I mean, how the heck do you know about my DNA?! Does your son has my blood?!"


"No! How'd you know?!"

"I took test, of course! Idiot." She whispered the last word and so i rolled my eyes.

"You don't even have my DNA sample. Where would you get that?" I challenged her but she only look at me flatly before she turning to my father.

"Well..." She uttered.

I then averted to dad and saw him wearing his "obviously not guilty, i guess?" face.

I fell silent before i realization hit me.

"You did not! Dad!" I complained as i stomp on the ground.

"Well! He's handsome! I just have to, right?" Dad smiled at his 'grandson'.

Ughh! Old man. No wonder he no longer pesters me with his continuous nagging of giving him grandchild. Tsk.

"Ugh! I'm outta here!" I groaned as i rushed my way back to my room, upstairs.

I flopped my body onto my mattress and buried my face on the pillow, at the same time, i hear the banging on my door before it swung open creating a loud thud.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled on my pillow.

"Stop being a pain in my ass, Lisa. I don't wanna make this harder for the both of us, y'know that!" she yelled before pulling me up from hugging my pillow.

"What do you mean? You are making it HARD for the both of us, okay? How can you say that kid's mine if I don't have the ability to impregnate you? It's absurd, Jennie. I ain't paying child support." I stated, arms crossed.

"Lisa, for heaven's sake, we had an IVF!" She yelled, walking towards the door to lock it and then standing again infront of me.

Then, a flood of memories came rushing in that somehow flushed the damned thoughts inside my head and I lit up.


"Exactly. And I'm not here to ask for child support, I can provide for him... The only reason I'm here is because he was looking for you and I want us to work again." She said which had me nodding.

"He's a pretty boy, I'm sorry for not realizing that as soon as you arrived here, I had plenty of drinks last night and— wait... You want to us to wo—..."

"Let's go get ice cream." she cuts me off and drag me towards the door.



"Shut up, I'm having head ache. I need ice cream. Your son's favorite flavor is chocolate, he got it from you... That's all that you need to know at the moment, so please don't speak." She interrupted once again, obviously hiding her red face. I giggled.

Well, this ain't too bad.


PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now