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"Treat people the way you wanted to be treated. If you want to be respected, then work for that respect, don't force that from someone. Kindness is what it is. You will earn that respect if you're worthy enough and if you're just enough to respect yourself and others as well. Don't expect to be in a limelight where people praise you because of how selfish and weak you are, especially if you helped no one, not even yourself. Respect is not some sort of charity to be given away when you failed to give that to yourself.. just so you know, Respect is Earned..." Jennie said. The oh-so-fucking-rude Jennie who did nothing but to disrespect others.

I scoffed as others clapped their hands on her. Rolling my eyes, I silently cursed at her... Not to give you the wrong impression, I'm not a hater. It's just that what i said is true. Jennie Kim didn't do anything but to ruin everything that doesn't appeal to her taste buds. You can call her Satan's mistress and angels would agree for sure. It leaves a bitter taste in me hearing her talk about respect. Doesn't even make any sense... well, at least for me...

"Okay, that was a very good one, miss Kim. Now, after hearing that, is there anyone here who thinks otherwise?" The teacher asked and averted her gaze towards the rest of the class.

No one stood up, of course, as expected. They're just too lovestruck by Jennie that they think what she said is the only thing that matters in this fucking universe.

"Come on, i know some of you has different views to this. Don't be shy, share it to us." The teacher said.

I glance at Jennie and she has this sly smirk plastered on her lips.

Tsk, what a jerk. I hate her.

Now, despite being a weakling (that's what everyone calls me) I stood up. Since miss Genius-ass Bully shared her crap, might as well just give her a piece of mine, I guess?

Hey, look, I may look boring and pathetic and weak and useless human being but I'm smart, you know? No? Well, now you know. I don't slip from my grades, I'm smart, I swear.

Sometimes I'm confident, although most of the times I'm not, but I'm a big man when it comes to these questions. I'm the type of person who likes sharing my thoughts to people who seem to not see things my way (I know I sound like Jennie here).

"Miss Manoban? You have something to say?" I nodded at the teacher which made her smile.

"Okay, the light is yours."

I saw Jennie look at me curiously and then she rolled her eyes immediately.

Fuck you, jerk!!!

"Firstly, can we all stop normalizing that respect is earned? Respect should be given by default... Kindness is a bare minimum of being human, and nobody doesn't need to conform a certain condition just to obtain respect...

Once you understand the nature of being human and the essence of being a good person, you'll begin to realize that everyone deserves at least better. If respect is earned, then how can we achieve equal treatments in general? Because.. basically, those who have the highest degree, those who are wealthy, those influential ones, the ones with power, and those who have great authority would have a much greater respect than those who were unfortunate to have education...

Never wonder why some elders easily disrespect some youth out of boastfulness, thinking that their ages have to be the basis to have the license to take abuse even when they're already doing wrong... Never wonder why LGBTQIA+ community often get discriminated, thinking they don't deserve any good for the way they are. Never wonder why most poor people get pushed away whenever they enter a luxurious establishment thinking they're garbages.. and never wonder why basic and priceless identities, being person of moral and ethic is now called earthly prices, thinking that respect is earned...

You know.. respect is never earned... But respect can be lost.. and chances to retrieve it is always infinite while life still goes on. Remember to always do good, always be kind, and always do whatever is right. Because being a person of manner and character doesn't only depends on other people. At the end of the day, you'll do certain things simply because that's what you are.. that's who you are regardless of how people treats you."

I poured, my voice coated with force, making sure that i pierced those words inside all the jerks' head (Jennie, especially).

The room was quiet after me and I instantly went back to my conscious self. I cautiously scanned the area and i saw them have their mouth widely agape at how much authority I held in my voice while I spoke. Jennie, included. She seem to be stuck too.

After almost a minute or so, I heard a clap from someone, and that's when loud applause from them rained on me.. some even whistled and cheered loudly.

"Wow... T..that was an excellent defense to your point, miss Manoban. Thank you for showing us your own perspective. Uhmm.. well, **ring, ring** yes, our time has run out, but that was a great way to spend our class hour. Keep it up students. You're all dismissed."

Everyone sighed in relief and instantly stood up to exit the room. I, however, waited on my chair until everyone is out. I don't wanna attract any attention.

"Hey, Lisa. Never thought that you could be a baddie. It was nice to hear someone having a different point of view, it's even great that it came from you."

Someone approached.

I looked up hesitantly and saw one of my classmates, I smiled.

"Keep sharing your thoughts, Lisa. I know you have more interesting ones there." She tapped my shoulders before walking away.

This time it was my turn to sigh in relief.

Glad she didn't add anything or even tried to open some more topics because i honestly am not interested. I don't like talking to people I'm not close with.

Just when I was about to stand up someone voiced out.

"Hey, Nerd." I froze, recognizing that voice.


"Turn around here." She said. I didn't.

Who are you to tell me what to do? Jerk.

Moments after I chose to stay frozen, the person came in front of me.

Oh, my god. She's infront of me! Omg, omg, omg, omg, is she gonna hurt me? Is she mad I stood up against her? No, no, no, no! My life is peaceful, I don't want any drama.. godddd this stupid mouth of mine!

"Lisa, right?" She asked but I didn't respond.

"That was a good one. Keep it up," she added before going out.


10 seconds after I'm sure she's out, I checked the surrounding.

Whoo. Glad nobody's here now.

"What was that about?" I asked myself while I gaze at the exit.

I thought she's gonna do something stupid...


Why didn't she?

PEREGRINATE -jenlisa (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now