Chapter 10

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I enter my hotel room and find Jen still sleeping soundly and Dane reading a bible from the drawer next to him. "How was your run?" He asks quietly. I sit In the bed next to him but keep my distance.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Mhmm." He hums, not believing me.

"Fine, it was bad." I snap. "Happy?" His arms appear around me and a familiar electricity buzzes through me.

"If you're not happy then I'm not." He whispers in my ear, seductively. A shiver rolls through me.

"I'm serious, Dane! Nico thinks Jen might be his true mate. He says he can feel it!" I was beyond pissed but more than that I was scared. Jen is a very fragile girl, I'm not sure she'd be able to handle this world. Dane pauses for a moment before relaxing against me again.

"If she is, Nico won't be able to stay away from her for very long. But..." He grabs my chin so I look him in the eyes. "He also won't hurt her. I know she's practically your sister and you love her more than anything but Nico would hurt if he hurt her. Mentally and physically." I nod through the trance I'm in. Dane's golden eyes lock mine in place, filled with love and lust.

"Dane," I breathe.

"I've got you." He whispers and then his mouth is on mine. Mint fills my scenes and drowns me. His tongue dances with mine and he nibbles on my lower lip. A moan leaves me when Dane moves his mouth from mine to my neck, sucking just in the right spot. "Goddess I want to mark you." He mumbles. Rose is howling in the back of my mind chanting over and over again, "let him mark you, let him make you." Just as I'm about to pull away and say something a familiar groan comes from behind me.

"Remi?" Jen asks in a sleepy voice. I rip away from Dane and snap around to look at her. She has a confused look in her gray eyes but says nothing.

"Jen." I breathe in relief. "You're awake."

"Feels like I could sleep longer." She laughs. I slip in bed beside her and take her hand.

"You slept over five hours."

"Five?" She repeats. I nod. "I must've been really tired."

"I bet." Jen peers over my shoulder at Dane."You were the kid from school right?" She asks.

"Yes." Dane answers huskily.

"And the one at church?"

"No, that was my father." He tells her.

"Oh." She looks back at me. "Are you going to tell me what's going on or...?"

"Not yet." I tell her. "Not yet." She nods and leans back against the pillows.

"We'll when you do decide to tell me I'm all ears."

"I appreciate that."

"You know, since I'm your best friend, you can tell me everything." Now I hear the bitterness in her voice.

"Jen." I sigh. "I don't think you'll be able to handle it." Her mouth falls open.

"Wow. Just wow." She stands up from the bed. "I'm going for a walk. Maybe I'll call my parents and beg them to take me back since I can't handle the truth." She slams the door on her way out, shaking the entire room.

"She seems very supportive." Dane comments. I glare at him.

"I told you I couldn't lie to her. Now she hates me." Dane pulls me out of the bed and next to him on the other bed.

"She doesn't hate you." He whispers. "If she's half the friend you've told me about then she could never hate you."

"I guess." I mumble, tense beside him.

"Relax." Rose laughs. "He doesn't plan on mating with you until you're ready. Snuggle with our mate."

"That's weird!" I tell her.

"He won't mind." She assures me. Sighing, I scoot closer to Dane and rest my head on his chest. His arms tighten around me, pulling me even closer until I'm on his lap.

"It's more comfortable." He tells me.

"Yeah," I laugh. "It is." We stay in a comfortable silence for a long time. Rose purrs happily in my head while I listen to the steady beating of Dane's heart. "Dane?" I ask, not sure if he's fallen asleep or not.

"Yes love?"

"Will you..." I trail off. "Never mind."

"What is it?" He presses. I angle my head so I can look into his yellow eyes.

"Tell me what marking means. Please." He stares back at me intently.

"It's when two mates bite each other's necks to show you're taken and unavailable. It's also a way for mates to communicate through their minds like you do with your wolf. Usually males like to mark their females quickly because they fear she will disappear or get hurt and they won't be able to help them." I swallow the ball of nerves In my throat.

"What happens if they don't mark each other?"

"Nothing really." He tells me. "But if they don't mate with each other the female will go into heat that will attract every unmated male for miles. I've heard it's very painful." This has me tenseing. "Don't worry. If you do go into heat I'll make sure knowone touches you." Again we fall into a comfortable silence but my head races with fear and questions.

"Dane?" I say again


"Mark me." 

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