Chapter 111 & Update

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Hey Amigos, friends, tomodachi, yuujins...

So very cool update.

I'm working on the editing process now of the next book release. This means its very soon. Possibly before the end of May for the next book release. I'm also very excited about this, because I put a LOT of work into this thing. And it has a very unique cool plot that's unlike some of my other stories, but still got some of the key positive traits of before. This also has different things that I haven't had in some of the other stories. Case in point; this next release will have some elements of tower defense rpg traits in it. And I haven't done one of those before. At least it will have some tower defense traits in by the second book. I can't remember of hand where that starts, but I think that's near still in book 1, or in book 2. Forgot which.

Anyway its fun to just create stuff and have fun with it.

Website is not done. But the content management system is. And it doesn't have a views clicker counter thing yet. will be the site, but don't go there now because there's literally nothing there yet. And so there's nothing to see. But that will be the domain name. If you go there now you'll be disappointed. And its basically just got test dummy stuff up that means nothing that the website builder was playing with etc.

Thank you very much for your support and friendship.

Also, it wouldn't be bad for some of you to look at food storage if you are in North America, Europe, or other troubled areas. It looks like there's a lot of things going wrong with supply chain systems right now. I wouldn't want you guys to be caught in problems. So I urge you to be careful and do what's prudent and take care of yourselves and your families.

 Chapter 111

The battle continued...

"One down, six to go," Svinn said, as we'd finished off this sacrificial ring of vile goblin shamans. After we'd taken down the weaker front line support shamans the main boss shaman wasn't too hard to gang up on. It's also ironic that it wasn't hard to take him down precisely because he didn't backup or use support magic on his own team members. He'd tried to at the last minute pull together some type of fire magic offense and defense maneuvers.

It was a pity I didn't have a chance to study their techniques further. The goblins really seemed to like fire magic, which is curious since humans aren't good with fire magic. Even their defensive shielding was either a variant of an earth skin or a fire shield that pulsed as a damage shield as well. He had been in the middle of trying to get off some kind of fire ray beam towards me, but it would have been hitting my shield anyway even if he hadn't failed it.

Its amazing how the goblins can fight so well when all around them their people are dying. They seem to not even care about their own military losses!

By studying their simple spell structures I might get some free stuff maybe? Or it might just be wishful thinking.

Both Asakura and I look at each other with the palms of our hands on our knees, as we're hunched over with our weapons hanging loosely from our fingers trying to get a second wind. We're both heaving for air, while feeling how hot and hard it is too breathe. It's like back home on our world when there was a forest fire and the smoke and ash were choking town over a hundred miles away.

This is scary.

It's not a job we can quit or leave. It's a full out invasion by goblins and that is way radically different from just running out to go hunt, where you'll lucky if you'll find one or two enemies.

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