Chapter 158

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Chapter 158

I woke up with a start.

That was...intense. I wipe the sweat off my face. To my relief we're safe. I guess the build up of so many traumatic experiences and so many battles makes me edgy to check my surroundings constantly. My breathing slowed down a bit as I realized we're safe.

"Hey are you OK?" Rina asked. She realizes I'm alone with her. That's good in some ways but we also don't like being without her because Sunghee carries a lot of our morale because she's a good ass kicker.

I didn't answer back right away. I did end up flexing and stretching out my body to feel more comfortable. And Rina does the same right after me.

"Um, are you OK? Can I help you feel better somehow?" she asked again. She leans up in the bed next to me. She temps me with trying to push a healthy looking round breast up to my face. Yes, she's tempting me on purpose.

She's the only one here.

"Yeah, thanks for asking," I said.

"Ahmmmmmmmm, where's my hug," she said reaching out to embrace me with her arms outstretched while topless in bed, like she always sleeps. She's already activating wicked seductress mode. The warmth of her body feels wonderful.

I could stay in bed like this all day.

This is still better than normal. Usually I'll wake up when one of them has already started trying to crawl on top of me to initiate mating.

We hug. I thought it was going to be a quick hug but then she won't let go.

"Where's Sunghee?" she suddenly asked.

She then looks in my eye and knows something is up.

"Yeah...that's our current problem. I need to let her rest a bit and then we're going to hopefully be able to stay out of trouble. I'd like some help looking at some things," I said.

We meet Gyle after breakfast and our morning rituals, down in the eatery area of the adventurer's inn. There's also some cleaning up of our rooms and the bed too, and the desire for a washing machine so we don't have to wash our clothes by hand anymore.

Other adventurers are eating around us. I'm a bit curious about them.

Gyle is suspicious of why I don't always eat breakfast or in front of him but so far we've just told him I'm not a breakfast person. But I wonder if he'll always buy that. We've also made arrangements for packs of jerky in my bags, that I'll offer to 'share' during the day to keep people off questioning when I eat as a ruse.

Do I put him at farther distance? Or bring him in closer? I need to also get more contacts and core people to solidify a survivable position here in this world.

But a lot of people have their own prejudices.

For now, I just fake like I'm drinking some cider.

"So for morning business, should we get started? What orders of business do we have to deal with?" I suggest.

Gyle is really taking the part of a real adviser or executive secretary now. Technically he's not that smart, but he does know dwarven culture, laws, and how to navigate their society when we don't. And we can't afford to make a mistake. It's almost like we're at a big advisement session of a corporation, where big things happen; except we try to keep our voices down so nearby tables don't hear us.

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