Chapter 157

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Chapter 157

Enemy point of view

"I don't get it. What's so special about this guy?" Varren asked.

Around him was a team of people just like him. All thugs and mercs, and they all were eager to earn some material wealth.

Mercenary work had been good recently.

Some goblin king had been tossing around gold like it was candy lately according to rumors. And so far it looked like the rumors were true. There was always this or that goblin king around hiring mercenaries pretty much all the time but that didn't make all of their missions survivable or worthwhile, since less survivors meant less payroll to take care of. But this time was different. This time it looked like a real legit job that was getting quality people and that's what had drawn him in.

You had to do your homework working for goblins though.

The stakes were high but there weren't usually any jobs this big. Even humans didn't usually have this much gold to spend, so all of them were upbeat and hopeful. Plus the rumors were it was THAT particular goblin king; the one with a rumored dwarven vault that he'd plundered that was bigger every time the story was told.

Of course...the down payment was small and no payouts until the packages were taken and delivered.

He doubted the stolen dwarven vault was really as big as they say it was, but that was fine. Even a small dwarven vault in the right goblin king's hands meant bounty for all...all mercenaries that is; they always spent all their earnings going after more gold which was kind of ironic in a way because it meant they actually weren't left with anything for their efforts after all was said and done.

The room was dark and thick with cigar smoke and the smell of cheap booze, that closely resembled gasoline, if ever such a thing could happen in another world.

Ahead of him some of the guys here he recognized as the usual heavy hitter players, people he knew and some he didn't that were new possible fodder yet to prove themselves. But there was usually that one or two guys in the midst of the fodder that were really talented and would prove themselves useful but just needed a leg up. The ones he did recognize seemed to be a bit edgy too like he was.

This is a prestigious job, he thought.

It'd taken him years to earn enough clout to stand in a room of the bad asses of this type of caliber and quality. He'd for years thought he'd never get to this point. Now here he was and he'd earned every step of the way. He found himself almost chuckling now that he could feel the awesome prestige he'd earned to get to this point. Even next to him the other mercs gave him more elbow room than the others in the cramped room because of respect.

This is exciting...

Near him around the crowded table was a half-ogre Tregg, who had one eye, and wore piece meal armor with a heavy couldn't technically even be called a club anymore. He swung a fucking tree around as his weapon. At least he had the decency to not take it to the table or when he was standing too close to others. Tregg was useful to have and a good troubleshooter for busting through walls...even when he was barehanded. But you had to be careful around him and not set him off by saying stupid stuff or looking like an easy mark.

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