KTAWD Chapter 7

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Dreamweaver Chapter 7

"Where's Saito? Is he back yet?" I called out suddenly. We were worried. It'd been much longer for him to get back than we'd expected.

The others were pressuring me to close the tall spindly barricade now. We'd gathered as many students as we could and they were pulling themselves through in droves now. The students were really scared as they ran through. They looked like scared rabbits, but I'm sure we all looked like that too. I also detected a funny smell; some people had lost their bladder control in fear.

"Help us!"

"They're coming!"

"Help! Oh my #*@(~!"

"Run! Run away!"

"Their right behind us!"

All kinds of such comments were heard as the scared students ran through the aisle. Some of them were so afraid and so panicked they ran into parts of the barricade. Then they had to pick themselves up and move through. A lot of them were also looking over their shoulders, afraid of how close behind things were.

They all had the same afraid wild eyed looks of people seeing and living through trauma and covered in grime and dust from fumbling through the ruins of the school. Some of them had torn clothes too, but so far not many had bad wounds.

Then after that more and more of the students who were wounded ran through, as time progressed. This was a marked difference and was also a warning sign that things would start to happen so. Some of those wounds were from skirmish-ing the creatures downstairs, but some would be from cuts in the wreckage. Little by little though, the wounds were worse, and more and more injured were coming through.

"Do you have any other weapons available?" Some of them asked us, gazing at Akira's spear and my fire axe covetingly.

"Don't even try to take it," Akira warned pre-emptively, narrowing his eyes at the jealous. He kept his fingers tight around the spear, which was really well made.

Such looks were why I hadn't wiped any blood of the axe blade yet. The fiercer I looked the less chance someone would try to risk taking it.

"Sorry, grab a chair, or a desk to use as a shield," Yuriko said. Yuriko, being one of Akira's group. She was also on the volleyball team with Yumi, which was how I knew her name. She was a tall lean kid with long hair that towered over the others and very athletic. I was a bit jealous that Akira had snatched her up for his team. The people that were athletes were already recruited fast.

"Why a desk?" one of the newcomers asked.

Yumi shrugged, "they aren't that bad. Some of the people by the windows have used the wood panel to block arrows already."

In the few minutes that things had been going on, things were better organized now. There were a few dozen teams of ten each, with so many that I couldn't keep track of everyone. It was also still building from there. There were too many people I didn't know though, and this was where Yamamoto Sensei had started to shine, since he knew people's names.

He screamed at people that were too scared to fight and bullied the cowards back to the fighting line when he caught them trying to slip out the back or go to the roof without being willing to defend the line. In some cases he punched or kicked them until they went back to the defense line.

It had only taken seeing all the arrows coming through the glass windows and the two bodies of our classmates there for him to get motivated. The deaths of the students had him really mad. We then got that anger channeled into having him handle the coordinating of the teams with me and Asakura Sensei, with the three of us in charge.

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