Chapter 138

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Also Life Wizard Chapter went up today on my website. 

 Chapter 138

In the dwarven mountain fortress city, after errands running around town...

It's weird to walk on dwarven cobblestones and streets. For the most part most of the houses are close to human size so we don't often have to duck to get through doorways of businesses and shops. The buildings around us are pretty close to human sized too because the craftsmen built things knowing they'd need to have it strong enough for big folk too. But there is a feeling that things are somehow on a smaller scale, while we walk over cobblestone streets that can be narrow in some places but wide in others where more traffic is expected.

We're all walking shoulder to shoulder at the moment with me in the center and the girls next to me with Gyle somehow hanging on. Plus, I get to stand in the center as the 'posse leader'. But truthfully sometimes our ordered line gets bent out of shape when we have to dodge other foot traffic or horses of other travelers.

"You know if you think that's twisted, the fact that armor costs more than a house is even sillier," Gyle said suddenly, while we're walking back to the inn to check out. We are going to then go to a different inn of course, since we'd just gotten nearly robbed. Not to mention all the negative attention and I didn't want people following us around.

"What? How could armor cost that much?!" Rina exclaimed.

I also had an exclamation of dismay and a few curse words. Armor would be really nice to have.

Gyle shrugged, "it just does. The governments control the markets. And they do that to keep people under their thumbs. And they also don't want any rebellions or for the king to be ousted so they make it that way. It was by law declared a 'controlled substance' almost like a hazardous chemical even though it isn't one. We suspect it was instigated at the same time with several other kingdoms in an effort to prevent people with Otherworld Syndrome from staging coups."

"I get it though. Why would armor be cheap? Why would a government let just anyone have armor? I think the price control of making it ridiculously expensive is also more proof of government corruption and exploiting. If You think like that of course they will want all the good stuff controlled," Sunghee argued back.

"It's not so much corruption as there were several countries that had coup attempts to topple the governments. And in each one the groups responsible were as I said people who believed they were from other worlds. That's partly why people fear people with Otherworld Syndrome," Gyle whispered carefully to make sure others weren't watching.

Huh? What was that?

I'd ask him more about it in a minute.

"Well, isn't protection and being able to protect your family a basic right though?" Sunghee said.

" think so?" The dwarf questioned back. He wants to deny it but he's staring at Sunghee's chest again. I need to somehow put him in his place for staring at Sunghee's boobs too much. If it's some other man's woman...

I'm guessing monarchical education on societies to brainwash them are why Gyle is partly having a hard time with this.

"Of course," she shot back.

"I think so too. But we were taught that in regards to weapons but that armor is a different story; but usually I have people having a hard time agreeing with me. I'd heard otherwise so long I'd almost believed the other way myself. Also be careful city guards don't hear us talking about something like this. It's a good way to have them follow you around looking for things to give you fines and extra taxes for," he added.

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