Chapter 148

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 Chapter 148

Goblins point of view;

The tunnel caved in after a few hours of work in poor working conditions, bad light, and lots of slick gravel that keeps pouring down the sloped tunnel. Several times we have to stop and re-brace support posts that were put down sloppy. I've seen many times what happens if you let the support post work get neglected with nasty cave ins. Then we had to bring in the diggers again and hear their worthless complaints and answer them with our whips. Right now there's an endless sea of green ugly backs going into and out of the tunnel carrying rocks at a frantic pace. They know today is the day.

There's a new alertness to them today that wasn't there last week or last month working these same tunnels.

We keep trying to pick our way forward. There are grunts and the smell and stink of green back sweat from our tribals all over the place. Tribes have come together from all over the lands to work on this project and it's been gaining momentum for some time. I can see markings of different groups that normally war against each other and steal each other's lands and women cooperating for the first time under the new great shamans' leadership.

But damn these ugly green asses stink and the tunnels feel all closed in with stale and dank air, and the smell of runny noses and too long without baths. Remarkably the pathetic looking tunnel is holding together, although it looks like it was built by the mentally retarded at least in terms of its cosmetic appearance. There needs to be shoring up of the crooked roof timbers in many places, even after I thought I got all of them.

Dust fell through the cracks on one spot that looks like it could collapse. I kept going not bothering to worry about it. That's grunt work.

But it will work for our invasion. It happens today. This has been in the works for a couple three years now with a lot of preparations. The dwarves don't even realize we've been digging right next to them all this time, being sleepy with gold fever as they forget to check their own area.

Stupid dwarves. Their greedy hearts have gotten complacent. They have won for too long and think they are invincible.


The trap is ready...

Well...there are some dark dwarves on the take under stolen identities at the gate too but that's another story for another time. We tried to bribe them in the past with mixed results. They are easily asleep in their hearts and courage thinking they will always be safe because of how tall the walls on their fortress are.

We know better.

We will have our revenge!

We will eat their children in our soup!

Those dwarves won't know what hit them. Even today, we will have our revenge and steal back the birthright they robbed from us as the people of the earth element. Back when the creator created us, they were created at the same time with both of us struggling to gain the creator's favor. This was way back when the world was still new and only us, them, and the elves and dragons walked the world's spines before elves and dragons split from one another as well. At that time not even the orcs and the beastkin had been created yet.

It was then that their first father robbed our father of the birthright blessing and right to rule the surface lands and inherit the gold ore mines in the mountains. Every goblin is trained to know this story and how we must have the blood of all the others to fulfill restoring this birthright blessing that was lost to us. That's why our hearts cry out in blood lust.

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