Chapter 134

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 Thank you for reading and for your support. Also my website was down a few days due to power outages where the servers were last week. This delayed putting up some chapters. I have put up a chapter on the Life Wizard story here;

Chapter 134

The inn rooms are comfortable. The mattress is goose feathered and with a nice soft pillow.

Strangely old school medieval isn't so bad if people know their crafting skills. I don't feel like I really miss electricity and my old world that much, especially being able to use magic instead!

I fall to sleep quickly, but not before jamming the small circular two person table against the door for a type of noise warning if anyone tries to come in. The chairs I put against the windows of the inn but I am on the second floor. It would be hard for someone to approach from that direction.

I feel nervous acting like this too. It's the first and only time since coming to this world that I've not been around Asakura or Rina constantly. It takes me about an hour to get to sleep because I'm so not used to being alone. I think I feel exposed like this too.

I not only locked the inn room door but also placed a chair under the door knob to brace it in case anyone tried to sneak up on me at night.

Yes, I have reason to be paranoid in this world of the weak being eaten by the strong on a daily basis.

Dream State...

This hunger.

I could barely contain it. All day being with a different team has basically made me exhaust my breast milk supply from Asakura while we were trying to get out of the dungeon. My teeth are on edge and I'm feeling really tight in the nerves while still worn out.

Its a reminder I'm no longer human, even though I look like a young human man.

First things first, I go to Sunghee. I summoned her in the dream state, but have the others de-summoned and in their slave crystals purposefully asleep even though I'm in deep sleep here. It's been almost a full day without feeding and the sex demon side of me is about ready to go crazy. I'll activate the others after I have some fun with Sunghee first, hehe. I don't want to do that very long though, because I need them awake when I'm in the dream state most the time so that I can defend myself if something tries to sneak in her or if the Doppel-ganger Girl gets loose, which she's tried to do in the past.

"Shun!" she greeted me excitedly. As soon as she sees me she jumps at me forcefully in a hug.

"Sunghee!" I cried out back to her.

Sunghee is of course my second most favorite person in the whole world, next to Asakura. Well...actually is she tied with Fox in hierarchy? I try not to play favorites but they are all so wonderful. All three are beyond...oh this is what love is huh? They are all three on such high pedestals that I can't really rank them over each other. They each have a special place.

At least I think it's love.

When I come to see her in her room in the dream state she squeals with delight as if she'd wanted to see me and not been able to do so for months. It's the type of energetic happiness you might see if you told a teenage girl you were giving her a new car, the way she looks at me.

"I missed you so much," she said while being teary eyed, hanging onto me. The look on her face is off innocent adoration that is complete and still in the honeymoon phase before someone starts to take their partner for granted. She's staring at me hypnotically. I like her dedication and how fully loyal she always seems, even though the staring is like she's so hypnotized to almost be unhealthy in how she's fixated on me. She quickly noticed we're alone together and wants to be ravished.

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