Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 12

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Dreamweaver Chapter 12

"So remind me again, why the hell does Kenji get to be the necromancer?" Yuta pouted. "Life is so unfair." He had his hands thrust in his pockets and was looking at his best friend with a lot of envy.

Kenji just shrugged, but he was eating up the attention. Also because he wasn't used to getting so much attention all at once it wasn't going well in how he managed it. It was like the years of bad or little attention were suddenly playing catch up and he wasn't ready for it with his level of maturity.

"I wanted to be a necromancer too," someone else said sadly. "In rpgs necromancers are always so badass you know? Especially once they have their own little graveyard army," he said to his friend.

"Oh, I guess you are right," his friend agreed.

"Dang! Why do other people always get a better life?!" someone cried out shaking their fist at ... presumably God?

"Is being a necromancer really that great though?" Yumi whispered to me while suspiciously narrowing her slits for eyes at Kenji.

I shrugged slightly so Kenji wouldn't see us whispering. "It's supposed to be a magic job right? At least in a lot of games it is, but..." I shook my head and shrugged.

"Seems like it would have a lot of problems," Yumi whispered again.

I nodded slyly.

"I know right? All we get is to be able to do some kind of language skill? My parents are expecting me to do something big with my life and they both have good jobs," Raya shook her head sadly. She kicked a desk in frustration.

"I guess it's not all bad. You guys got something before anyone," Yumi chirped.

"But you are still special, all of you are special!" Asakura sensei said. She patted his head, but then when he tried to hug her, she hid behind me. "Uh, no touching please. Really!"

"Sensei is just trying to mother us, it's not true..." someone grumbled.

"But..." Yuta's face fell.

" all," sensei reminded him this time more firmly and a bit angry. She was getting ready to hit him if she had too.

" I going to have to..." Akira started to say giving him the 'stop now' look, but Yuta backed off. Yuta's eyes were big seeing Akira's wrath forming and that was enough it seemed.

"Sorry Sensei, I just wanted a hug," Yuta looked down, but was sincere in his apology.

"That's what moms are for," Yumi responded with narrow slits for eyes.

But mentioning the word mom I think caused depression in its own way to people.

"Actually there's nothing that says Yuta and Raya only just have that one skill. We just don't know how it works yet and how the triggers unlock. Maybe groups of skills can do things too with how they interact," I said.

"Oh, is that so? Yeah that makes sense," Yuta looked a bit redeemed somehow and less jealous.

Raya smiled a bit. "thanks." I wasn't trying to make them feel better though, but just stating the obvious.

"Well if it's like that, then we just have to try different stuff for others too?" Akira guessed.

"Is being a necromancer good though? I mean...baldy sensei is going to start to smell soon and he is decomposing," Akimoto the Judo captain said.

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