Chapter 126

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 Chapter 126

Svinn sent one of his goons to pick us up right on schedule early the next morning.

I study him with my light spell, which he doesn't like before we set off. This guy seems a bit shifty and doesn't like us looking at him too long. Plus he tries to stay in the shadows. Svinn is right to not want us to trust him fully.

He looks and acts like some kind of shadow thief gang member if I were to summarize it.

He's a dwarf all right but unlike the others he's covered head to toe in dark colored heavy clothing and armor. It's designed to almost give a chivalric feel, but...everything except his eyes being covered bothers me. He also has the look of an experienced veteran with sharp eyes that take in every detail.

He also wouldn't shake hands with us when we extended our hands, though it was only me and a couple of others that tried to shake his hand.

Wow so unfriendly, are all of them like that? Or do dwarves not like contact with humans?

He spat on the ground instead, which made me tempted to want to throw a punch at him but like all dwarves he's stronger than he looks. He does have the language enchant so I'm curious about him already. But he doesn't want to talk to us unless he has to.

But turns out the foreign quarter is rougher than we thought.

We still have a lot of questions for Svinn about the aftermath of what happened with getting my adventurer's license. I can't talk to this guide dwarf about that though. It has to be in person with Svinn when we get a chance.

Fortunately before leaving the dream state last night Fox put a small illusion over the race part of my license to make it look like it said human instead of abomination. She also made the illusion as long lasting as she could but had to spend a lot of effort on it. And it's possible if anyone verifying documents at gates is a mage they may smell it. But usually grunts and non-mages work gates and doors, and places that verify identity.

We started out going through a ton of back alleys and down rough looking streets full of rubble since both the buildings and the streets are in ruins with sometimes just having bed sheets hanging over some doorways. Although many buildings have two or three floors, the stairs are littered with holes in them.

It looks like there are gangs everywhere in the foreign quarter; perhaps it's partly cultural bleed through from the dwarves into foreigners living in their city, because the very nature of dwarves is that they naturally thrive by teaming up and cooperating to solve their problems. So someone living in their city has been sort of naturally pushed this way by the already existing social systems in the city. I can see them using children as runners on many of the street corners once I learned what to look for. And all of them no matter what age are in poor torn up clothes designed to blend in an acting like they spacing out but actually aren't. In some areas they have groups of two to four hanging out at street corners and are watching their small territories. It's a medieval version of a barrio in New York or Los Angeles.

It's a bit poorer than the rest of the city but still there are nice residential areas in the foreign quarter too.

Who knew dwarves had gang problems. This is getting interesting. I'm tempted to want to talk to some of them to find out what they are like, but they'd probably not like that.

My attitude did change shortly after that however.

I beat up two human thugs that tried to grab Rina and Asakura each while we were moving through the city. Then by the time we get to the rendezvous point another two human guys have tried to touch Asakura's boobs and grab her again, which she crushed the face of the one and beat down the other with her hammer.

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