Chapter 112 & Release Update

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Author Notes & Update;

Its almost here! So I'm literally (estimated) 2 days away from the next book release! I was very excited to give you guys the heads up on this. This will be a very fun release because I spent a lot of time working the plot, etc. And I think it will be very good especially for people who like LIT RPGs, harem stories, and magic like mage or wizard or pet builds.


So yeah, I'll try to post a notice in a couple of days. Almost everything is set. I just need to clean up some of the headings, and get the cover on. Most of the editing is finished.

I really feel like I've been on edge as this gets close because sometimes you get to where a story just really feels like its drawing you in, and is fun to work on.

Thank you very much for your help and support. Please, also continue to support me and thank you for all the friendship also.

Right now also the economy is troubled so I'm really reliant on readers to help me. But also I hope readers will be really careful now as it looks like some of the rumors of economic trouble, food production and transportation problems in this country are real. Please do your best to take care of yourselves and stay safe.

 Chapter 112

Somehow we survived the freakish night of goblin devilry.

The smoke is starting to clear in a weird heavy cloudy form that's almost like sea fog. Sea fog has a remarkable way of covering absolutely everything and seemingly no end and that's what this is like with this smoke. We've been coughing a lot because the smoke is so bad. There's been even more of it but we hope it will eventually go away. The runic shielding has helped with some of the smoke damage affecting us but it isn't designed for atmospheric and air filtration type of protections, so it's very imperfect.

"Wish you had an air spell of some kind," Asakura says as she tries to clear her throat and is coughing while we try to stay as low as possible on the ground since there's a tendency for the smoke to go up. The rest of us are also coughing still intermittently.

Once again I'm reminded I have more to reach for.

We've been up all night and our joints hurt like crazy; feeling like we want to find a bed fast and near complete exhaustion, severe fatigue feeling. It's like the feeling of staying up all night to do homework and then the next day going straight to school without having a rest and your legs feel like jelly the next day. When I wave my hand it feels like there's heavy weights hanging on my forearms trying to pull me down we're so tired.

"Shun, tired," Asakura stumbled a bit even.

"Stay close by me," I warned her.

"Got it, lover," she said.

In the last three hours of guerrilla warfare the goblins and orcs have tried to carry her off at least four times. With her looks and figure I'd have had an impossible time keeping them off her if the dwarves weren't all with us as a team. It's made me exceptional paranoid. After today I think I'll be the most paranoid adventurer team leader in the world at protecting what's mine and I don't care as long as it works.

We've also lost count of all the kills.

It did help Svinn see the danger of the orc baiting tactics though.

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