Weekly Report - Week 20

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Announcement - "After the annihilation of France. It is time we focus on the elephant in the room: The Trial of Yorktown."

Yorktown - "You are never getting bail. The fact you only left skeletal remains of Prinz Eugen justifies you getting life in prison or the death sentence."

Enterprise - "You have been becoming very hungry lately. Are you trying to gain my pity still?"

Hornet - "Your sister is held in a high security prison. Any attempts at planning her escape is futile. Stop telling me you'll go against the impossible odds otherwise."

Laffey - "Your bunny ears are missing? They were stolen by North Carolina."

North Carolina - "We know you took Laffey's bunny ears. Who else has a more insane bunny fetish than you? New Jersey doesn't count, she more tame than you."

Belfast - "You are not allowed to eat Enterprise. I don't know where that even came from. Cannibalism is banned everywhere."

Akashi - "There's rumor around the underworld you went and bought every single pound of meth and cocaine. Why do you need that much. How did you get the money to get that much?"

Vestal - "Your porno magazines were seized by Portland. When attempting to take it back, you shouldn't threaten to "stick a dildo up her ass" if she doesn't return it. Trust me, she likes that... among other things."

Admiral Hipper - "Tit Warfare isn't a type warfare. If it is, I'll have command make it illegal. Do you know what type of chaos will happen if that was created?"

Akagi - "It isn't wise to build a chimney in your wooden house. Although, it was hilarious to see you covered in smoke and ashes."

Taihou - "The fight for my love isn't a fight. You should stop fighting Roon, she'll punch you harder than the torpedoes Albacore shot at you."

Shinano - "Don't look into Arbiter's dreams. Unless, of course, you want to see just constant wet dreams of me."

Yamato - "No, a rematch isn't in place. You should worry about your dislocated wrist with broken bones before thinking of going against Gangut again."

Hunter - "We aren't in Yharnam, sakura empire aren't monsters for having animal parts."

Gangut - "Being drunk off twenty bottles of vodka isn't the best way to approach a arm wrestling match. Yamato is currently in the hospital because of you."

Rossiya - "I made you my secretary because you were competent, not because I want to indulge in your kinks of handcuffing me to the bed. I had to deal with Arbiter using me being handcuffed to her advantage to fuck me!"

Belorussiya - "Your sister is insane. Is it possible you could tone down her handcuff kinks? I think she might work with Arbiter to try and fuck me."

Kent - "You disgust me. I might scrap you."

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"Annabel. There is... nothing to be said about her."


I walked past multiple doors before coming to a large opening. Next to me, was a staircase going up to a door at the top of it, which had seen better conditions like everything else in this place. I saw no other option so I walked up the stairs, but it was broken up halfway. Luckily by some odd coincidences, there was a big hole next to the stairs that led to another area of the building, to which I jumped inside.

I heard scratching of nails across the wall distantly, screams of unimaginable terror and loud, thudding footsteps. I checked my surroundings, hoping to find something to defend myself. Next to me, to my left, was all I had:

A pickaxe.

I picked it up, twisting it in my hands and gave it a few swings. It seemed very durable and strong. Of strong wood and hard metal that made it a formidable weapon. Hopefully, whatever is out there, can be killed with my pickaxe.

Walking slowly, I went through a doorway that led into a small room. I saw... things. Faceless humanoid people that were skinny, like they were famished. I blinked again and they were gone. They were just apparitions, they weren't real but I felt myself become slightly paranoid and concerned about this place more.

Something happened here. And I pray to god the fate of these people don't fall upon me.

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