
757 22 9

This is a civil danger warning effective nationwide.

Utmost attention is required.

All stations and cable systems shall transmit this emergency message.

This is not a test.

The following message is transmitted at the request of the United States Government.

A catastrophic natural disaster was monitories in California at 5:00 AM ET on May 17, 2011.

The United States Geological Survey department has sent out surveyors to the ground zero of the disaster. Around 7:30 AM ET on May 23, they lost contact with that team after a failed routine checkup.

Around that time, cities including New York, Houston, San Francisco, Atlanta, and many more have suffered similar natural disasters. These disasters have also been reported on a global scale around the world in other countries.

Citizens of the United States of America are advised to stay indoors and lock themselves in until further notice. At this time the National Guard has dispatched itself across the nation in an effort to maintain order.

God bless the United States of America.


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