[2] Home

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The twins were never great with traveling or flying, they figured that out after capturing Loki from Germany, so instead of putting themselves through the torture of having to listen to their teammates ramble on about the sceptre they decided to sleep the whole way home.

Eva would've just teleported them home but she could not go that far, she was very much in control of her powers and didn't get tired or worn out when using them, but she had always had trouble with teleporting, it always wore her out and especially when teleporting with someone else, small distances were alright like in Sokovia but teleporting to a different country millions of miles away, that was difficult.

After landing the quinjet the twins decided that they didn't want to hang about in the lab so they just decided to go to their rooms.

Although she slept on the quinjet Eva was still tired and decided to go for a nap, now usually Eva didn't like sleeping as she was prone to nightmares and the only person who could comfort her after having them was Ivan as he knew how it felt, but his were not as regular as Eva's.

All Eva could hear were the gunshots and the screams of her parents, she could also hear the sound of her and her brothers sobbing as they hid in the closet in their shared bedroom hoping that whoever just broke into their house didn't come in the room looking for them.

Hydra had just ambushed their home after their parents had refused to work with them, after what they had put them through before they managed to escape, and let them experiment on their kids to see if they could unlock or give them any new powers, their parents didn't want their children to turn out like them, like lab rats.

Both of their parents were captured by hydra at young ages both taken by different facilities, their dad was kept in a facility in Russia while their mum was kept in one in Sokovia. They had met one another when their mom was transferred to Russia where they met and then ran away with each other, Hydra wanted them both back as they were the only mutants they had come across so they went into hiding and bought an nice house in the country side in America, where they are now being tortured into coming back to Hydra.

The twins could hear their parents screams and couldn't take it any longer and decided to do something about it, they came out of their hiding spot despite their parents telling them to stay hidden.

As they snuck down the stairs they could see from the banister their parents being electrocuted and tortured by these agents, Eva then threw a purple ball, of energy at the agents giving their parents enough time to get up and grab their kids before running into the other room and sealing the doors tight shut, they knew it wasn't going to hold and that they weren't going to make it out alive they just needed enough time for their kids to get out.

"listen to me both of you, Eva I need you to grab onto your brother and teleport the two of you out of here" their mother said looking at Eva. "no, no mama what about you and papa?" Ivan immediately disagreed.

"we will be fine, now listen to your mother" their father said as they could hear doors banging and things being knocked over in the other room. "Eva we just need you to concentrate, ok, don't listen to anything else happening in the house just grab your brothers shoulder and concentrate"

Eva did just that, both twins giving their parents one last look before Eva managed to get them both out of their, but due to being young and not having a lot of energy she could only teleport them to the forest behind their house before her legs gave out and she fell to the ground, before she completely hit the ground Ivan had managed to grab a hold of her arm steadying her.

They both turned back to the house where they could hear their parents fighting for their lives before two gunshots went off, then silence, they looked at the window and could see blood splattered all over the window, the twins were smart for their age they knew what had just happened.

As she slept Eva was whimpering and rolling around her bed while things around her room started to shake and purple tendrils started coming out of her hands.

Across the hallway was Ivan's room, he was just sitting on his bed watching his tv when all of a sudden it started to glitch and things in his room started levitating due to the purple energy that had come from underneath his door.

Ivan knew exactly what was happening and rushed out of his room and into the hallway, the hallway was covered in purple mist and it all led back to underneath the door across from his.

He rushed into the room without knocking and immediately saw his sister lying on her bed whimpering and shaking, he moved over towards her and started trying to get her to wake up.

"Eva its just a dream, ok, no one is going to hurt you, its all over." He said trying to calm his hysterical sister who had woken up just after he had came in.

"They wont leave me along, god why wont my memories leave me alone" she cried into her brothers shoulder as he just held her, letting her get it all out of her system.

After 10 minutes of calming down she had finally stopped crying but her ayes were all puffy and her cheeks were red.

Ivan looked down towards his sister who had her head in his lap with a concerned look. "you know Tony is throwing a party in celebration of us finally getting back Loki's sceptre, you don't have to come if you don't want to."

Eva shook her head "ill be fine, ill go and if I don't like it or feel I'm not up for it ill come back up to my room and just watch my sitcoms."

Ivan smiled down at his sister knowing how much she liked her sitcoms. "Its always sitcoms with you huh?" he teased. She looked up to him and smiled "Well yeah they keep me calm and remind me of mama and papa" he just smiled back down at her.

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