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Christine Wheeler was laid in her hotel room bed, her eyes wide open and aimed at the wall, the girl chewing on her bottom lip as she continued to drown in her thoughts.  She thought about earlier, about what had happened between her and Steve. He was mere feet away from her and she just could not get him out of her head. She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering the way his eyes had dragged across her body at the pool, the way his hands had burned her skin with his touch, and how he had teased her so ridiculously into thinking that this was finally it.

She heard a shuffling noise from the bed beside her, the girls breathing stopping for a moment as she tried not to make it obvious she was still awake. She was beginning to think that Steve could hear her thoughts because of how loud they were. The shuffling noise stopped, Christine letting out a normal breath as she realized he was probably just turning over.

Christine thought about the close calls she had had with Steve. The movie theater, the pool, the Christmas party, and after the mind flayer. She thought about how many nights she had dreamt about him, and she wouldn't admit that she liked him in that way, but she liked him in that way. They liked each other, and they both knew it, but they didn't want to cross that line of friendship that they had solidified. Sure they had had many close calls because Steve was unable to contain his emotions at times, but nothing was closer than the way that Christine was feeling right this second. She felt like a bit of a bitch, knowing how many times she had rejected Steve, when she had friendzoned him, all the times they had agreed that it just wouldn't work out.

Christine turned over on the bed, settling in the covers as she looked over at Steve. He was facing towards her, his eyes opened and staring, his lips tightening as he realized he was caught. Christine closed her eyes for a moment before speaking.

"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I." Steve said, blinking a few times as he adjusted his hands under his head. Christine reopened her eyes , looking over his face as she spoke in reply.

"What are you thinking about?" Steve didn't hesitate to answer, Christine raising her eyebrows at his reply.


"Me too." She said, letting the silence fill the air as she turned so she was laying on her back. They both laid there for a moment, contemplating their next moves, their hearts racing in their chests as they both knew what they wanted to happen. Christine sat up, letting out a frustrated sigh as she realized she was giving into her deepest darkest desires. She got up without a word, Steve sliding over on his bed and making room for her as she climbed in beside him. She pulled the blanket over her body, settling in beside him and finally looking at his face. He was already taking in her features, her striking eyes making him feel weak, and he was sure that if he was standing his knees would give out. Steve took a leap, reaching forwards and pushing hair away from her face, his hand resting on her cheek as his fingers touched her hair. He followed his finger as he ran his thumb over her lips , the bottom one dragging and opening them, making him grow a wild feeling in his stomach. Christine reciprocated the feeling, her stomach twisting in the worst of ways, her eyes closing as she let him run his fingers over her face.

Steve was entranced by her beauty, the perfectness of her features and the look in her eyes as she reopened them. It was evident what was coming next, and Steve almost couldn't believe that the time had come. He realized he had been waiting a long time for this moment and now it was finally here and he couldn't be more enthusiastic about it. There was a tense electricity in the air, like right before it was about to storm and both of them could feel it bubbling between them.

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