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It was particularly on brand for Tina to throw a party every holiday, aside from Thanksgiving of course.   She had arranged an ugly sweater party and promised alcohol and a party better than Halloween's. The party was coming a few nights after the Snowball dance at the middle school. Steve and Christine had planned to go, the two of them  finding some very ugly sweaters  and commissioning the help from Dustin to make them even worse. The time with Dustin was spent gluing their fingers together and some of the best laughs they had had by far and by the end of their  session they had some of the ugliest sweaters they had ever seen,  and they were happy.

Steve Harrington pulled up down the street a good ways away from the house, his head turning to Christine Wheeler as she stared down the road with a certain excitement that only came from the thought of getting drunk.

"Alright Steve so what's the plan again?"

"Get as ridiculously drunk as we can and then walk back to my place." Steve said with a smile, his face lighting up at the sight of how excited she was. She gave him a nod and some raised eyebrows, the girl continuing to look at him as she got out of the car. She stretched when she got out, her sweater coming up at the bottom and showing her stomach, Steve averting his eyes as he tried not to think of her in that way. He had vowed to stop thinking about her like that, because she didn't feel the same. He figured it had been for the better though, because he was still getting over Nancy. It had only been about a month, but that entire  month had been centered around  Christine and him, because they spent every waking second together.

Christine linked her arm with Steve,  pulling him away and towards the music at the end of the road at Tinas house. One person that Christine was worried about seeing was Billy, another being Nancy.  Nancy and Christine had said a solid 10 words to each other since  everything with the mind flayer went down. So Christine really didn't want to see her here.  Especially with Steve.

The two friends got to the door, both of them taking in the sight as they stepped through the doorway. Half the people there were wearing ugly sweaters, the other half just regular clothes, and a handful of people had dressed like Santa Claus. The music that was playing was in no way Christmas music, and Christine had already laid eyes on the punch that was sitting on the kitchen counter.

Steve looked down at the girl, the girl giving him an optimistic look and a scrunched nosed smile as she already started to pull him towards the alcohol. Steve's eyes caught onto the green liquid in the big bowl, having a rush of deja vu and then feeling his stomach churn. Maybe he wasn't going to be drinking tonight.

Christine pushed a cup into his hand, the girl hooking arms with him again and tipping her cup back, chugging it as he just looked at her with wide eyes. She brought the cup down from her lips, a green mustache on her top lip as she shook her head at him.

"Come on grumpy...drink with me!" She said, dipping her cup into the bowl again. She used her hand to push his cup closer to his mouth, his lips touching the side as he groaned and whined. A few years ago he would've been completely fine with getting shitfaced, but something about drinking now didn't really sit right with him. However she tipped his cup up, a smile on her lips as he chugged the cup down. She cheered as he did so, chugging her own and then laughing at the face her made when he finished his own. "There you go! Oh I'm so glad we're here."

Steve shook his head, saying fuck it and dipping his cup back into the bowl. He finally hooked arms with the girl, her grin widening as she realized she had gotten him on board with drinking. They both chugged it at the same time, the cups emptying pretty quickly and both of them having a green mustache as they pulled them down. Steve wiped his mouth with his sweater sleeve, his hand quickly going up to her face. He put his fingers under her chin, using his thumb to wipe the green residue from where it was adorning her lips. His finger dragged across them, Christine feeling something ignite in her at the small gesture. She ignored it, the girl giving him another smile before pulling out of his grip. Steve's face slightly dropped at this, the boy refilling his cup again and starting to drink it. Christine was quick to do so as well, the girl hoping that she would be able to do something that she had always wanted to try.

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