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"Who do you work for?!" The General yelled, this being about the fifth time he had asked Steve this exact question. Christine was hardly conscious, her face red and bloody like Steve's, minus the big fat eye, and the girl almost completely sure she had recracked a few of her ribs. The guards had used her for initiative for Steve to tell the truth, but he was telling the truth, and they didn't believe him. This was resulting in Christine being beat to a pulp right in front of his very eyes, a pain much worse than receiving his own beating. He figured that if he ever got the chance for revenge on these men he would spare no mercy.

"Scoops Ahoy!" He yelled back, the General giving the guard a nod. Steve yelled out for them to stop but there was no use, he was already punching her in the stomach, the girl grimacing in pain as she lifted her head to try and breath better. Her head flopped back, Steve feeling like his chest was concaving as she struggled to stay awake. "Stop! Stop!"

"Tell us who you work for."

"I already told you!" Steve shouted back, the guard punching Christine in the face. Steve yelled out as she crumpled to the ground, finally having enough and going unconscious. Steve struggled against his restraints, tears springing to his eyes as he felt panic settle in him, the boy trying to get up and get to her and earning his own punch and going out cold.

The man instructed for guards to come inside and carry the unconscious to the  room where further interrogation would occur, the men dragging their bodies across the floor and into the room.

"Get your hands off of me!" An unharmed Robin said as she tried to wrestle her way out of the guards grip, the other guards throwing the two unconscious onto the floor. They threw Robin as well, the girl panting heavily as she sat up and looked at Steve.

"Hey...Steve? Steve? Steve? Christine? Christine?" The door opened as she looked at the pair that were bloodied and unresponsive, her bound hands resting  on Steve's side as the door buzzed open and the General walked inside.

"What did you do to them? What did you do?!" She yelled in the mans face, the man quickly backhanding her, the girl falling to the ground from the force of it. He spoke in Russian, gesturing towards the chair in the room, the guard quick to pick the unconscious and the conscious off of the ground and place them in the chairs. They bound them with ties, securing one around the trios shoulders and stomachs.  The General stepped forwards, pushing Steve's head up and clicking his tongue at him.

"Don't touch him!" Robin yelled, her breath frantic as the man dropped his head back down.  "Steve! Steve can you hear me?"

"I think your friends need a doctor. Good thing...we have the very best."  The man began to laugh, Christine stirring to the right of  Robin, the laugh making her ears ring.  Robin spit in the mans face, the laughing dropping immediately as he wiped the spit from his eye.

"You're going to regret that." He said, looking her in the eye as he said it. He pointed to her, backing away and directing the men to leave them.

"Bastards! Let us out of here! Bastards! Let us out! Let us out!" The door clicked shut, Robin yelling one more time for good measure. "Let us out!"

"It's not gonna work."  Christine mumbled out as she tried to bring herself to be able to  open her eyes.

"What? Christine? Oh my god are you okay? Christine are you okay?" Robin asked frantically, turning her head to look at the back of Christines. The Wheeler girl tried to move her arms but realized she couldn't, the previous  beating returning to her mind along with the aching and agitating pain in her face, stomach, and chest.

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