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Steve pulled the car into the parking lot of their motel, the boy immediately putting the car in park and throwing his head back, letting out a relieved sigh. He turned the radio down, looking over at the girl in the passenger seat with expectant eyes. He realized she was asleep, Steve letting out another sigh before getting out of the car and going to check in.

When he had checked in he walked back outside, going to the passenger side and opening the door. He sneakily smiled at her sleeping face, her mouth slightly open and her eyebrows  furrowed like she was having a very interesting dream.  He crouched down beside the car, the boy lifting his hand and putting it on her shoulder.

"Christine." He said, shaking her slightly. It wasn't long before she stirred, her face turning grumpier as she finally opened her eyes. "Hey sleepy, we're here." He said, giving her a warm smile as he stood. She nodded, reclosing her eyes and  stretching. She unbuckled her seatbelt, Steve stepping back so she could get out and then throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"What were you dreaming about?"

"It was crazy. I was dreaming about Eleven and the mind flayer fighting  and we were all there and Billy was there too. It was just weird." Christine said, explaining the dream with a furrowed eyebrow and a  perplexed face. He nodded at that, pulling his arm off her shoulder and unlocking their room door.

Christine was quick to make her way to the bed, the girl throwing herself onto it and enjoying the softness of the pillows compared to the hard head rests and hardly comfy seats in her car. Steve ran into the bathroom, using it quickly and walking back out,  the boy washing his hands and looking at her through the mirror.

"There's a pool here I was wondering if you wanted to check it out. Maybe relax a little or something."  Steve said, drying his hands off and turning around to look at the girl. Christine pushed herself up with a groan, nodding her head and then rubbing the sleep from her eyes. He pulled her up from the bed, Christine groaning again as she let go of his hand. He chuckled, putting his arm over her shoulder and walking towards the door. They walked out, Christine stretching and letting Steve lead the way. He opened the gate for her, a thought coming into his head and making him grin to himself as she walked by him.

"Reach in and tell me how cold it is." Steve said, walking towards a chair and looking at it. Christine was quick to do it, the girl nodding and crouching down beside the pool. Just as she dipped her fingers into the icy water she felt hands on her back, the girl screaming out but also being unable to stop what was happening. She fell into the pool, a scream leaving her lips as she emerged in the frigid water. When she returned to the surface she was gasping, her face red and shocked as she looked at a laughing Steve. He was holding his stomach, his mouth wide as he hysterically cackled at the girl who was now soaking wet. She took some of the blame, realizing it was March and now pool would be warm, meaning he had planned to trick her. She was definitely awake now.

"You dick! It's f-freezing!"

"Oh it's f-f-freezing huh?" Steve mocked her, taking a step back from the ledge as she pushed herself up. She gave him an angry glare, his laughing really starting to irritate her as the cold air nipped at her now wet body. When she finally managed to get out and up she stood in front of Steve, her jaw clenched and closed from how cold she was. She thought about how she would exact her revenge on him, she figured there was no way she would be able to push him in because he was stronger than her. She thought for a moment as he looked at her expectantly, and then the idea came to her.

FAMILIAR ↳ STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now