The Noble House of Black prologue

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Book I: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

If you met my family, you would understand...

Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood. 

You're not dead, but you're not alive either. You are a ghost with a beating heart.

A Potter child's birthday is a spectacle beyond compare, and James Fleamont Potter's fifth birthday surpassed all expectations. Carnival rides whirled, Quidditch pitches buzzed with excitement, circus performers dazzled, and there was enough candy to last a lifetime. Amidst the joyous chaos, James led a spirited game of Quidditch, his laughter mingling with the cheers of his friends. Yet, amidst this jubilation, a somber group of six children sat apart, their demeanor distant and disinterested.
These were the heirs of the illustrious Black family, their stoic parents, Orion, Walburga, Cygnus, and Druella Black, conversing in French, aloof even amidst the festivities.

In a heartbeat, James felt the rush of wind against his face as he chased the golden snitch, fueled by the cheers of his friends. Determined to impress, he pushed his broom to its limits, his focus unwavering. But fate intervened as the snitch darted through a cluster of children, effortlessly seized by a mysterious girl. James watched in disbelief as she smirked at him, her nonchalant demeanor a stark contrast to his own determination. And then, to his horror, he realized he had lost control, hurtling towards disaster.

With a deafening crash, James collided with the main tent, chaos erupting in his wake. Food flew, performers tumbled, and the once-joyous atmosphere dissolved into pandemonium. Amidst the wreckage, James lay dazed, the Blacks unperturbed by the commotion, their indifference palpable.

As the dust settled, Walburga Black seized the moment, her words cutting through the chaos. With a single remark, she shattered Euphemia's composure, leaving her stunned in her wake.

"That silly boy really must get his eyes checked." Her words cut like ice, leaving a tension never to be cut.

A the Blacks made their exit, their presence lingered, casting a shadow over the shattered remnants of the party.

"Mother, why bring shame to the Potter family?"

Caelum's inquiry pierced the tension, her curiosity unyielding. Yet Walburga remained steadfast, her intentions veiled beneath a veneer of civility.

"Embarrass them? I was helping the poor people." 

And as the dust settled, a fateful encounter set in motion a chain of events that would shape the future of the wizarding world.
For it was here, amidst the wreckage of James Potter's fifth birthday, that he first crossed paths with the Black twins, Caelum and Sirius. And little did they know, from this tumultuous beginning, an extraordinary friendship—and unforeseen chaos—would emerge, altering the course of history forever.

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