CHAPTER FOUR: Crashing World

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The five laughing children were, rather quickly, interrupted with the trains halt at their destination. James looked at the group before almost yelling, "This is it!"

Remus, Sirius, James, Peter and Caelum made their way off the train and began migrating toward a loud voice with a thick Scottish accent. "First years over here! First years find you way to me!" The voice bellowed. Sirius and Caelum looked up to find that beckoning voice belonged to non other then a half giant!

"First years, get in the boats no more then four to a boat" the half giant said. All five of the unlikely friends looked at each another and silently contemplated who would ride alone, but Sirius and Caelum knew better then to delude themselves that this was just about a boat ride. Clearly, whomever was riding alone was going to be the bottom feeder of the group, and being raised by Walburga and Orion Black, they had no intention of accepting that position. They took initiative, with Sirius saying, however politely "Well, we will see you soon Pete!" and there it was decided without question that Peter was in the lowest position of their group, although this suited Peter just fine.

"Ohh, uhm okay" Peter said sounding slightly disappointed but then pleased that his new friends even thought to consider him. He was used to being left out, even while being included, but he liked his new friends and walked toward a different group of children boarding boats, and got in with them quietly.

"Alright, let's go" James said leading his friends to an boat and hopping in. The small wooden boats were cruising across what was called "The Black Lake" rather smoothly. That was until James had a brilliant idea. "Guys, let's see what happens if we shake the boat!" James announced to his new friends. "Hmm?" Caelum replied, "I don't see why, however I have no quarrel with the thought" Sirius stated. "Yeah, okay" Remus said letting out a small chuckle at his friend's immaturity.

Four of the five friends in one boat started shifting their weight from one side to the other in turn making the boat rock furiously. Unfortunately, they still reached the shore without falling in or incident of any kind. Clearly, they were not the first students to come up with this plan. The twins watched as their fellow students stared at the castle in awe, as though star struck. They felt a little jealous of that excitement, but having seen many such castles in their young lives, this one did not inspire the same feelings for them, although they were excited to be there nevertheless. Regardless, the wonderment of the students was swiftly interrupted by a stern voice radiating from a relatively tall woman dressed in green robes. She had a strict, yet kind face, that seemed to convey the experience of much laughter and many tears at the same time. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now that I have all your attention, I would like to go over a few things with you. My name is Professor McGonagall, and I will be your transfiguration teacher for the next seven years, if you are fortunate enough to last that long. We will now enter the Great Hall where you will eventually have all your meals, but before the feast this evening can begin, you must be sorted into your house. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like your family. Accomplishments will earn you house points, and any rule breaking points will result in points being taken away. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will win the coveted House Cup. That is all for now. I will thank you for remaining quiet, as I will return momentarily." Said the Professor before abruptly turning around, leaving the unsorted first years to their own thoughts. No one thought to speak as, somehow, Professor McGonagall had already substantiated her authority.

Professor McGonagall stayed true to her word and returned soon after her departure. "You may proceed into the hall in an orderly fashion" she commanded to her students. With that, the first years formed a line and made their way into the Great Hall. Caelum, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter, now reunited, entered the massive hall taking notice of the enchanted ceilings and great stone pillars. The four enormous elongated tables ran down the center of the room, and the staff table overlooked the entirety of the great hall.

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