CHAPTER TWO: Platform Nine and Three Quarters

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"Kreature, what ever have I done to deserve your ceaseless torture?" Sirius pouted. In fact, Kreature had just drawn the drapes at the same time he did every morning for the past eleven years of their lives, but Sirius had always had a certain flair for the dramatics.

"Master Sirius is nothing but a delight to serve," Kreature spat, the sarcasm so evident that even Caelum rolled her eyes.

"Careful Kreature. I could have your head on the wall for that." Sirius grinned, he liked power, but who didn't? It wasn't his fault that he actually had that sort of authority. He held life and death in his polished hand.

Kreature let out a long string of unintelligible muttering.

"You seem particularly amused today, Kreature. Did Regulus praise your efforts or are you simply relieved to be free of us for another nine months?" Sirius asked, a smirk playing at his lips. Sensing his victory, Sirius abandoned the banter, content with the reaction he had elicited.

"Cael?" Sirius asked once, "Cael?" Twice, "Aries!" Thrice.

"My liege would have done well." Caelum taunted her brother, but Sirius didn't seem offended, and instead shot back his reply.

"I'll keep that in M'lord," Sirius mused. It was Caelum's turn to grin now.

"As you wish M'lady." Caelum said, tilting her head down as if in a bow.

"The young master's breakfasts are ready." Kreature begrudgingly bowed.

"Bring it to the parlor," Caelum commanded. Kreature left the room with a pop. 

The twins were almost sad to leave, almost. But in the hopes of a possibly better future, they shook this feeling instantly. Caelum remembered something their mother had said to them growing up. Hope is a foolish prospect that the weak believe shields them from greater peril.

Walburga had not returned the night before. Caelum almost stopped in her tracks. There was something odd about her mother's absence, Walburga like to keep a firm grip on her heirs. Though every one of Caelum's instincts told her that something must be afoot, she ignored the twisting feeling inside her, and returned to Sirius's side.

The twins had not spared their food a single glance, and instead sat upright on the green leather couch.

"What house do you expect to be sorted into?" Sirius asked, Caelum paused for a moment. She had a plan that her mother was not going to like, but it would effectively create a golf between her, and the Noble House of Black, did she want Sirius to follow?

"I suppose Slytherin would be the objectively right answer. But I have other intentions." Caelum sounded hesitant, and Sirius knew not to ask. Instead, he nodded his head in understanding.

The short moment of peace was interrupted by Walburga's announced arrival, and the quick instructions given to them to heel at her side.

Their mother had been sat in her study, glancing over a piece of handwritten parchment that Caelum didn't recognize. As if only just realizing they had come in (Which was of course impossible) Walburga glanced upwards and began speaking.

"I have given your father other business to attend to," Walburga, though vaguely, did explain Orion's absence. Sirius wondered what exactly his father was doing, but knew better than to ask. Later in life he wished he had paid more attention to his mother's schemes rather than his father simply following her instruction. She held a power he had not yet discovered, though he was not sure how he could have, idling at his father's feet like he once did, now wishing he had bowed to her instead.

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