CHAPTER TEN: Full Moon Brings Ill Will

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The detention ended with six children walking away dripping water down the hallways that they had so graciously filled with laughter on this fine evening. With Remus and Lily leading the way and lowering the possibility of getting everyone getting lost, they made their way back to the dorms. Lily, however, was soon swept away with the entrance of Severus Snape, "Lils, come on. I can help you dry off and I need you to look over something for me." Snape said, quickly making up a lie as he most certainly did not want her hanging around this lot of people. He knew better then to let Lily spend time with Potter, let alone the infamous Black twins, offspring of Walburga and Orion Black! He had already been caught on the wrong end of a bad hex given to him by none other then their cousin Bellatrix Black. She made it clear that if Lily does not stay away from the Black twins, she would personally make sure Lily suffers for it, and he was not about to let that happen. "Shove off Snivellus, we were having fun before you got here. You do know what the word fun means right? Or should I find a way to demonstrate?" James taunted. "Zip it Potter. Coming Sev" Lily said, completely changing tones from her previous laughter.

The group, minus Lily, now made their way up to the dorm and changed into dry clothes. "Anyway, tomorrow is a full moon. Do you guys want to go to the astronomy tower and watch?" James asked changing the subject. "Sorry I can't. My father is ill, and I'm going to visit him tomorrow" Remus said nervously, "hmm" Caelum mumbled thinking aloud. "I forgot something in the Great Hall. I'll be back later." Caelum said as she left the room in a rush.

Caelum, after walking far to long in her opinion searching for her cousin, looked ahead and spotted a familiar face. Asher Lestrange, whom inconveniently also took the title of Caelum's fiancé. The Pureblood families regularly decide marriage arrangements for their children. In fact, Caelum and Sirius's fiancé's had been chosen before their birth so there was to be no question as to falling in love or any other such nonsense. Caelum quickly changed her posture and walked in an almost orchestrated manner over to Asher looking like a true Black. "To what do I owe the pleasure Ms.Black?" Asher remarked, bowing. "Good evening, Asher. May I inquire as to the where about of my eldest cousin?" Caelum asked, her voice dripping with feigned respect, "Andromeda, is currently in the common room." and with that Caelum strode away. "I'll see you at the Christmas Ball, Ms. Black" Asher called after her.

Caelum soon found herself at the Slytherin doors attempting to guess the password. However, she then noticed something curious engraved onto the doors
seul celui qui est pur peut entrer, (only that which is pure may enter).

It's a blood touch, Caelum thought. She placed her hand on the large doors and pushed them open. The Slytherin common room was very different from the Gryffindor. It was a deep beautiful green with silver accents. Large black leather couches, rooms branching off with family names engraved in large black doors, and a huge window looking directly into the Black Lake's murky depths. If nothing else, it was far more extravagant and quite a bit less comfortable then the Gryffindor common room. As Caelum examined the room, heads turned and conversations ended abruptly. The other students seemed to be awaiting instruction from the Black family Heir. True, Caelum was a Gryffindor and that was a scandal amoungst the Black family, however she was still a Black, so if she was speaking or even considering walking your way your were to pay attention as her word was law. "Lady Black" a boy spoke breaking the silence. "My Mother is the Lady Black, you will do well to remember that Elijah Abbot, for your own sake." Caelum spoke turning to the Abbot boy. ."Apologies, Ms. Black" Elijah said, "Very well, where is Andromeda, Elijah?"  Just as he was about to answer, hopefully in the correct manner, he was interrupted, "Cael?" Caelum would recognize that voice anywhere as it belonged to her favorite cousin, Andromeda Ariel Black. "Andy, it has been quite the hassle finding you" Caelum huffed a bit childishly, forgetting about Elijah.

"Well, you found me little cousin, now walk with me!" Andromeda exclaimed, wrapping her arm around her cousin's shoulder and leading her out of the common room.

As soon as Caelum and Andromeda left the Slytherin common room Andromeda spoke once again, "I'm assuming you did not make you way all the way down here for a visit. What is the problem?", "Well it's more of a question. Would a low class family, say the Lupin's for example, be allowed to leave school simply for an ill parent?" Caelum asked her cousin, curiously. "Hmm, the Lupin's; low class Half Bloods. Even so, Uncle Orion works with Hope Lupin at the Ministry, but alas I believe not. For what reason do you ask?" Andromeda prompted the insightful Caelum curiously.  "Solemnly a hunch" Caelum answered. "Well remember; La Pleine Lune apporte la mauvaise volonté" (The Full Moon brings ill will) "Goodnight my sweet cousin"Andromeda said as she walked away.

Caelum was rather confused as to what Andromeda was hinting at but she trusted she would figure it out in due time.


Have a great full moon Luvs!


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