CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: Rings Fit for Kings

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True to her words, and much to the twin's dismay, Caelum and Sirius were indeed summoned within the hour. They were in the attic when they heard their mother's beckoning, three pips. They had three minutes to be in the entry way. In all haste the twins rose from the floor and made sure to dutifully avoid Regulus on their way, he needn't worry for them.

"Caelum, Sirius. I expect you on your best behavior tonight." Orion's voice would have ambushed the twins if not for the metallic clanking of his boots beating his arrival onto the floor like drums. Their father was a man of very few words; like a shadow that haunted your stairway or the monster under your bed, he would be there one moment, and then, the next, he would simply disappear. It was rather unsettling, especially to Sirius, who couldn't quite reconcile his father's ability to depart so quietly when his arrival was always trumpeted by his infernally noisy boots.

"Why of course, Father." Sirius replied, but for the first time with a very noticeable touch of sarcasm, the first sparks of rebellion that would soon set his heart ablaze.

"Sirius, do not provoke someone you cannot match in a duel. Stupidity does not become you." His father hadn't been hurt by his barb at all, and Sirius's fury only grew at having to confront that all he had been able to provoke was a slight note of disappointment from his father.

"Caelum Aries, do you have something to say?" It was his mother's voice this time, and although she had addressed his sister, some part of him wanted to provoke her too, but he heeded his father's warning and stayed silent.

Walburga had turned to her daughter, leaving Caelum somewhat confused, she had not even made a sound. But if her brother ran into a fire, she had no other options, she was running straight after him.

"No, but I am sure I'll think of something before the evening is out."

Walburga inwardly sighed, her children were in a very defiant mood, she would have to change that.

"Find your patience or I will find it for you." She spoke slowly and her voice was ice, menacingly low and gripping. Caelum thought her mother's words felt like the cold undercurrent of a deep lake, tugging at your feet, a reminder of the vast and silent void just below. She couldn't help but wonder, yet again, what secret powers her mother still held. Walburga was calculating, and no one, not even her husband knew what went on the murky depths of her mind.

Caelum did not answer. They were not even halfway through the night and her mother was already using Aries, her middle name. Caelum didn't fancy going back to Hogwarts with any more scars than she already had.

"Sister," a voice rang through the corridor. It was clearly a man's voice, and yet it sounded almost feminine.

"Brother," Walburga responded. It was at that moment that Cygnus Black stepped into the light. He looked more like Regulus than anyone, he had the same curl about his hair, and the pleasing dust of freckles on his nose and cheek bones, but his eyes, those he shared with his sister and her twins. He and Druella were young, twenty-seven exactly; Druella gave birth to Andromeda when she was only thirteen years old, Bellatrix the year after, and then Narcissa the next. It had been the tradition to marry and have children quite young in the oldest, magical families, a tradition that had been changing for some time, but the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black was not one to relinquish tradition quickly.

"Hello, Uncle Cygnus. Hello, Aunt Druella." The twins spoke in startling unison.

This sort of occurrence made even Druella believe in the omens that had arrived with the twins. Walburga had shared the secret omens with her shortly after the twins arrived. Apparently, a seer had shown her a double Grim, the omen of death, when reading their tea leaves after the twins were born. Walburga seemed certain that her children were destined for greatness and that they would be bringing about the deaths of the unworthy. For her part, she found herself feeling very glad that all her children were perfectly normal.

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