CHAPTER FIVE: Sacred Twenty Eight

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The sorting continued for what felt like an eternity for the 11 year olds, however they were pleased when Remus and Peter were sorted into Gryffindor. Neither had much to say as they were still processing what had taken place, and at any rate, they had a general understanding of what they were both thinking. Although they had only left this morning, world of their childhood home seemed as distant as a far away star, and almost as unfathomable. As the final child was sorted and took her seat, the entire room seemed to breathe a collective sign of relief, since, everyone was completely famished. Dumbledore, sensing the children eagerly awaiting the feast, raised his glass and spoke "Let the feast... begin."

The four tables now sprang to life with an impossible array of foods. Given the many nationalities represented at all tables, there was something of home cooking and many new things to try. It was almost as though the feast itself had been laid out to encourage sharing in this way, which of course, it had. Dumbledore had many such tricks up his sleeve, and was well versed in creating a sense of home and family for the students of Hogwarts. Caelum and Sirius sat together flanked by James and Remus. Across from the four sat Peter and another girl, Marlene Mikinnon, whom James said was "almost as cool as me" which he both believed and also knew was untrue at the same time. Either way, the two were clearly very close and after listening the conversation flow, they almost seemed like siblings to Sirius and Caelum, who, in spite of their reservations about house placement, had helped themselves to a considerable amount of food. They certainly had never been allowed to eat whatever they liked and as such, they delighted in this slight overindulgence.

Dinner came to an end when Professor McGonagall raised her voice so the entirety of the hall could hear and said "On behalf of student and staff alike, I would like to welcome our first years to their first term at Hogwarts and wish them luck as they begin their journey into the wizarding world. We trust that you have enjoyed your first dinner and now we would like to ask you to quietly follow the instructions of your Prefects as you make your way to your dorms. Prefects, please rise first and escort our first years to your house dormitory. Additionally, will ask our head boy and girl to please come directly to my office after your students have reached the dorm." With this, the prefects stood and began the task of rounding up the newcomers. The students did not come quietly as requested, although they did follow willingly.

There was a bustle of movement as the first years attempted to follow Prefects out of the Great Hall. A Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Prefect stood at the large open doorways ushering the students out into the corridor. Sirius could overhear bits and pieces of rather mundane conversation taking place between students. The feast was delicious, the castle was incredibly large, and how easily they could get lost, and other such concerns were to be heard in all directions. He was hoping for something more interesting as he waited, however, his thoughts were interrupted with James' and Caelum's approach. "Sirius mate, pay intention or you're going to end up stood here alone" James said swinging his arm around Sirius's shoulder. This made Sirius briefly uncomfortable out of pure shock. How had he so casually made a friend? It was hard to believe, and yet clearly this was normal. He soon relaxed as he joined their conversation about classes and where to find them.

"Black! Black! And whoever you are! Too much conversation and not enough paying attention!" And upon seeing Sirius's unfazed reaction, "You know what, you walk with red!" The older boy said to Sirius. No one had ever spoken to Sirius like that before, and he did not appreciate it. "Watch your tongue, you ridiculous buffoon!" Sirius said, pushing past, though complying with the order. The boy did not push it further, realizing to whom he had just snapped.

"Hello again, Evans" Sirius said. "Why hello, Black" Lily replied. "Sirius will do just fine" Sirius corrected. "Well, then you can call me Lily" Lily said back as she continued to walk next to him. "Alright... Lily" Sirius said testing out the name. Sirius and Lily's conversation comfortably continued with complete disregard for the request of the Prefect to 'pay attention.' Sirius realized the girl was rather interesting, which was refreshing, and for reasons unknown to him, she was very good at getting him to talk.

Lily watched as Sirius suddenly stopped in his tracks, and for no clear reason and stared at a painting. Lily looked at him imploringly as she both wanted an explanation but was also worried about falling behind the group. "This is one of my ancestors, Elladora Black. She was rather famous, actually" Sirius explained, "Really?" Lily asked, "What cause would I have to lie about that?" Sirius appeared confused missing the sarcasm entirely "Never mind," Lily replied, clearly Sirius did not understand that his family, in its entirety were famous, never mind a single individual with a painting. Just before Sirius and Lily were about to move on, the painting awoke, "Elladora Black, good evening." Sirius said nodding his head at the painting. "And who might you be?" Elladora's painting asked as she swept her long black hair over her shoulder. "I am Sirius Orion Black the III, heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black" Sirius said with a bow looking up at the painting. "So you're the new generation of Black... Hmm" Elladora said as if she was analyzing him, while clearly impressed at the same time. She then waved her hand and dismissed the two, who were happy to move on.

"Your family are one of the members of the Sacred Twenty Eight, right?" Lily asked. "Yes" replied Sirius. "I have heard that title, but I don't actually know what the 'Sacred Twenty Eight means." Lily encouraged. "The Sacred Twenty Eight are the original wizarding families; Abbot, Avery, Black, Bulstrode, Burke, Carrow, Crouch, Fawley, Flint, Gaunt, Greengrass, Lestrange, Longbottom, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Olivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Rosier, Rowle, Selwyn, Shacklebolt, Shafiq, Slughorn, Travers, Weasly and finally, Yaxley" Sirius recited. "I see. So, I assume you were required to memorize all of those names." Lily said walking along the stone pathway. "Naturally" Sirius replied.


And the friendship is kindled...


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