CHAPTER ELEVEN: A Party Fit For Blacks

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Caelum returned from her endeavor exhausted and in desperate need of sleep, given that on top of running around in search of her cousin, she had also managed to miss dinner entirely. She stumbled into the boy's dormitory presently dreaming of the idea of sleeping through her first several classes, all the while knowing this thought was ridiculous as of course she would arise at 7am per her mother's wishes regardless of the circumstances.

Morning came in the blink of an e with all the children feeling as though they had only fallen asleep. They, in turn, let out a chorus of grunts and sighs as they hauled themselves out of bed without speaking. James headed to the washroom taking notice of the marble vanity and stone walls. He found toothbrushes scattered on the counter alongs sopping wet floor; most likely from Sirius having taken an hour long shower. James still groggy, smirked at the mess, turned on the tap and threw water on his face unceremoniously. He let out yet another sigh and began trying to tame his raven hair to no avail as usual. It was ironic that James's hair was so unruly as his dad had invented Sleezkys Hair Potion for the exact purpose of taming unruly hair. James, however, refused to use it and took pride in his untamable hairstyle accordingly. "JAME'S YOU'RE TAKING FOREVER" Peter yelled outside the bathroom door. "SORRY PETE" James yelled back. He gave up on hair as usual and left the washroom, heading over to the dresser.

Remus meanwhile had almost finished putting on his uniform, however still had to tie his Gryffindor neck tie. Being too tired to do so, he determined to sling it around his neck like a long skinny scarf and called it good. "Remus what class do we have first?" James asked, "Potions I believe" Remus said, slightly muffled as Sirius tied Remus's tie without a word. Peter let a long groan and rolled his eyes very far back into his small head.

Breakfast went by rather quickly with Peter still complaining about potions. Remus sat ignoring everything still somehow looking disheveled while you could practically hear the gears turning in Caelum's head before the lot of them had to push off to their first class of the day.

"Hello hello, please find your new seats for today." This was met with hushed complaints. "Your name will be on your seat's in alphabetical order of your sur names. Today we have a disrupted schedule as I must take my leave later in the day, so you will be grouped with the Gryffindor years one through four along with the Slytherin year one through four.,Thank you. Yes, find your seats." Professor Slughorn waved to his students, his voice sounding almost as though he were confused by his own plan for the following class.

Caelum and Sirius made their way over to their cousins with a weird feeling lingering over them concerning this class. "Bella, were you informed of what's going on?" Sirius reverting to his formal speech "No I'm not sure, though the Professor seems rather confused himself" Bellatrix said back to Sirius turning her head the other way as if the answer to the question they were all asking themselves was written on the stone walls of the classroom.

"Class, today, due to the age differences in our combined class, we will do a study hall. With the table you were assigned, choose a potion and write a report on it containing

The history of the potion,

who invented it

why it was made

what is it's purpose

what are the ingredients

how is it brewed

what would happen if this spell was to be brewed incorrectly

why is this spell important today

As soon as you have chosen your potion come share it with me for approval. After you have completed the assignment you may leave" Professor Slughorn announced, "How tedious" Narcissa sighed earning sighs of agreement from her cousins, "Let's do the Draught of Living Death. It will easily earn us quite a few points with the Professor" Andromeda suggested. "Incidentally, there is no need to waste time simply writing it. We shall split the job of wasting time writing this nonsense and brewing the potion. That should at least make this interesting." Bellatrix added. All five cousins were in agreement, they would brew the Draught of Living Death and wow their Professor.

The five Black Heirs strode down the classroom, students parting at the way much the same as if they were enclosed in a bubble. "We have decided to brew the Draught of Living Death" Bellatrix said not bothering to ask permission, "The assignment certainly doesn't require as much, are you sur- Professor Slughorn said however got interrupted by the doors being pushed open by an aggravated Minerva Mcgonagall, "The Black Heirs are needed" Professor Mcgonagall said angrily threw gritted teeth, "Why?" Professor Slughornreturned annoyed., "Apparently, a party" Mcgonagall spat again through gritted teeth. "Kreature!" Sirius snarled, and with a pop Kreature stood in front of Sirius, his cousins, and his sister. "Yes Master Sirius?" Kreature asked bowing to one of his many superiors, "Is my Mother here?" Sirius asked Kreature. "Yes, Mistriss Black is in her carriage along with Master Black right out side of Hogwarts" Kreature answered still bowed. To this Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Sirius and Caelum strode toward Kreature as it was quite clear this was well beyond discussion. Kreature snapped and swiftlyblack smoke took the room. Almost as quickly the smoke subsided, only to reveal the Black Heirs looking very different then they had only moments beforehand, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Sirius, and Caelum now appeared before their peers wearing floor length black ball gowns, and dress robes, their hair in various intricate styles as well as being adorned with Black family jewelry, which was quite the spectacle on its own, however one thing caught the eye of almost everyone; black diamond engagement ringson all five young hands. These five heirs had a fortune sitting on their hands and never gave it a second thought, but their lives had already been decided and they never gave that a second thought either.

James watched in utter shock, it was almost as if his friends turned into completely different people. From they way they walked, no strode to the expression on their faces, he only now understood the fear in the Black name and what that carried. They looked as if they could kill someone with a mere glance and feel no remorse. When James approached the Black twins on the platform he of course knew who they were. He had heard about the Noble House of Black. James's whole life he had listened to people talk about the Black family as if they were royalty, however until class that day he never really understood what that meant, but now he did. He understood the fear in peoples voices as they spoke about the Black family, or why people regarded them as royalty. They looked like royalty that day and they knew how to fill their role. He understood why the twins looked so shocked when he simply approached them and began a conversation and a friendship and he was glad he did. If he had met them this way, he probably never would have.

As James fell into deep thought Kreature snapped his fingers and with a pop they were gone leaving some very shocked students.

The Black Heirs found themselves outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry toward their familiar family carriages. Caelum let out a brief sigh as she made her way to one of the large black carriages pulled by large black stallions with black mettle hooves looking very similar to Orion's black mettle boots that announced his presence where ever he may be. She scooped up her black dress, got into the carriage and thought to herself black black black black black black black black!Caelum shared a carriage with her brothers, her Aunt and Uncle were in the carriage directly in front of them, her Mother and Father in front of her Aunt and Uncle leading the line and her cousins behind them. Caelum was accustomed to large parties for publicity and political purposes given her families position in the wizarding world, however this particular party was one she took an abnormal disliking to, every year the Black family did an extravagant party supposedly in honor of the Black Heirs though in this case no one even bothered to mention the date to the supposed honorees, nevertheless it was the job of the Heirs to enjoy and appreciate this occasion thoroughly.

Caelum, Sirius and Regulus having said nothing to each another felt the carriages begin to move and with that they were off to a party they wanted not to be at...


Have a dreadful party Luvs!


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