CHAPTER SIX: The The Under Age Permanent Body Tampering Decree

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Caelum and James entered their new common room together, and Caelum noticed Remus and Peter had already arrived. James, preoccupied, animatedly told a story using his arms with dramatic flare and, with effort, Caelum listened attentively. "Have any of you seen Sirius?" Peter asked looking around the room, "Yes, he was sent off with that Muggle-Born; Lily Evans, I believe" Caelum answered. "You don't think he fancy's her, do you?" James asked dejectedly to no one in particular. "How do you already fancy Evans! You've only spoken to her once." Caelum laughed. "I didn't say I fancied her!" James defended. "Mate, you didn't have to" Remus smirked. "Shut up, the lot of you" James laughed. "But I didn't say anything" Peter laughed alongside his friends. "But Seriously, do you think he fancies her?" James asked once again. "Sirius? No James, I do not believe he fancies her in the slightest" Caelum smirked, rather amused with the situation. "Yeah, I guess not." James said skeptically though his worries were soon interrupted the very same walking through the door. The Prefects, annoyed by the delay caused by the stragglers began giving direction to the first years, "Finally. Okay, first year Gryffindors, let me give you some quick rules before we send you on up to your dormitories. First of all, welcome to Gryffindor house. Alright now for the boring stuff. Curfew is at nine pm, so in other words you have to be back in the common room no later than nine. However you are more then welcome, in fact encouraged, to spend time in the common room. Lights out is at midnight, and by that I mean the touches in your room will magically turn off at midnight. If you want to go to sleep any earlier then that, just shut the curtains around your bed and it will be pitch black. What else? Ohh, yes. Breakfast starts a half past seven in the Great Hall. There will be tea and coffee in the common room prior, lunch begins at quarter to one, and dinner at half past five. Now on to some important things to know about the dorms. Girls are aloud into the boys dorms, however if a guy tries to go up the girl's stairs it will turn into a vertical slide, so beware of that. I'm afraid this is not a joke. There are generally five people to a dorm room, however if two people don't get along it's not a problem to switch, just let one of us know. Each dorm room has its own bathroom, meaning whomever you dorm with is who you will be sharing a bathroom with for the next seven years, so, try to play nice. On another note, understand that although we hope to win the house cup, if someone loses some points for making a mistake, let's not roast them alive, ok? It's no big deal, all the points that matter are won during quidditch anyway. I think that's pretty much it." The Prefect said rather nonchalantly. At this, everyone began to head in different directions at once.

James, Peter, Remus and Caelum made their way up the stone staircases together as James told yet another story, though the three of his friends seemed rather invested. They continued up the stairs before reaching a large wooden door with black hinges and the Gryffindor insignia burned into it only inches above their heads. "Caelum" said Remus, almost as if just discovering she was there, "not that it bugs me in the slightest if you room with us, but aren't you meant to be in the girls dorm?" Remus asked, obviously in jest, as, of course she had no intention of staying. "Technically, yes. I should be in the girls dormitory, however upon seeing the room arrangements I noticed Sirius is staying here, and as we have come this far together, I will not be leaving his side" Caelum answered shocking everyone except James. "What McGonagall doesn't know, won't hurt her" James shrugged as he pushed open the large wooden door. Peter, trying to hide his shock, looked around "Where is Sirius, again?" He received no answer.

The four Gryffindor's peered inside the room anxiously, though quickly relaxed as they saw the dorm. The floors were made of a dark wood with carpets under the four poster beds, and each bed had a name plaque on the top, even Caelum's which was surprising to say the least. It was as if Hogwarts new exactly how to make them feel most comfortable. The headboard of the beds were décorated as well! Caelum, Sirius and James's bed had quidditch posters, whilst Remus's had muggle bands such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Queen, whereas Peter had a mix of muggle and magic posters, bands and sports alike.

Sirius suddenly waltzed into the room, looked around and said, laughing "I am rather pleased with my dorm mates", "Well I am glad to hear we are fit for King Sirius" Remus said sarcastically hanging off of his bed poster. Sirius rolled his eyes playfully and made his way over to the bed with his name on it. "Hello, Cael" Sirius spoke, as though he completely expected to see her there. He would not have had it any other way, quite literally.

Remus happened to gaze over at Sirius as he was removing his shirt and noticed something that shocked him...Sirius had tattoos! "Sirius, you have tattoos?!" Peter said beside himself. "Yes, I do" Sirius answered without concern, pulling his shirt off fully, revealing four tattoos. There in the middle of his wing bones he had the Black family symbol, on his shoulder the Regulus constellation, on his lower back he had the Caelum constellation, and finally on the other side of his back, opposite his tattoo for Caelum, he had the dog constellation with the Sirius star shining just a little brighter than all the others. "What are you going to do?! How are you going to hide those?! Isn't it illegal for anyone under age to have tattoos?" James asked, "Well, technically, you are not wrong. According to the Under Age Permanent Body Tampering Decree anyone under the age of seventeen is not allowed to permanently alter their body without guardian consent, which of course is never. However my case is rather different, you see, my Mother gave me these. So in other words she both knows about and placed the tattoos which makes them entirely legal." Sirius answered, leaving every one except his sister shocked, for she had the exact tattoos he did. "Why do you know that specific law?" Peter asked, "I know everything" Sirius laughed as he sat on his bed.

For several minutes the room was dead quiet, aside from the turning of the pages of Caelum's book. "Hey, Sirius?" Remus said, "Yes?" Sirius asked, "I think your tattoos are rad" Remus said."Thank you, Remus" Sirius said rather shocked.

After that, they settled in and drifted off to sleep.


Do you think Sirius chose his tattoos, or Walburga? My deepest apologies for posting late, I was at an anime con


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