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All of the Black cousins had been successfully returned to the castle after the last guest had left the party. The twins briskly walked up the staircases, wanting to return to the care free state they were in, and yet, the rule of the Noble House of Black still lingered over their heads. They were mentally fatigued from being pulled out of Hogwarts, even with all of its rules, it was a different feeling to being plunged back into their aristocratic lives where every thing was dictated. They longed for the carefree feeling of belonging to Hogwarts but somehow felt outside of it as they returned.

"You're back?" James asked, his voice breaking standing up and walking towards the twins

"I am not in the mood for dull-witted questions, Jameson." Caelum said, looking up at James.

"Caelum, come here." Remus beckoned. He was angry that they just left with no word, even knowing that they had no choice in the matter. He was angry at their family for just ripping them from school, he was angry at his father for his lack of unconditional love, and he was even angry at himself, for being angry.

"To what end, Lupin?" Caelum said, still not having reverted her speech to a causal form.

"Caelum, stop being a brat and sit down" Remus said. "Here's a lesson on human emotions, when someone makes that face, the one that James just made, or speaks in that tone, the one he just spoke in, it means shut up, stop being an arse, and act like a human being for once, because who ever that might be, actually bloody cares about you, and I know you not used to that, but, when you walk into a room, and someone you claim to care about, was clearly crying before, you don't get to be a prat, you show some bloody compassion!" Remus yelled, getting  even more mad by the end. His voice seemed alien to Caelum. It was a scolding and angered tone, and yet, was followed by no such Unforgivable Curses. She was not sure whether this was his torture method, or rather, perhaps, as it had just donned on her, that might not be what everyone else's lives looked like. Maybe not everyone else completely disassociated every time they went home, maybe everyone did not forget chunks of their childhood because their brain couldn't handle reliving the torture, and so, she just deleted the worst of the awful. Remus was simply just upset with nothing else attached which was a foreign concept altogether.

"Lupin, I am not a child and if you ever, speak to me like that again, I won't hesitate to curse you to kingdom come, I don't bloody care who you are." Caelum said, her voice entirely calm, before she turned around and walked out of the common room.

"Fuck sakes Lupin. Here's a lesson about the Black family: we don't like being told what to do. Keep in mind, when you're speaking to her, you're speaking to Caelum Aries Black, Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, first daughter of Walburga and Orion Black. She is not to be trifled with, and Merlin help you if you do." Sirius said, leaving the common room right after his sister.

Sirius headed out the Gryffindor common room, spinning his wand in his hands  and made his way down the corridors finding himself going in the direction of the library. However he was soon interrupted by the sound of his cousins sadistic laughter, Sirius immediately changed direction and headed towards the noise, as soon as he saw Bella, he began laughing himself. Bellatrix had jinxed Snivullus's potion book to float right above where he could reach, she would lower it, and he would jump, and just as his fingers brushed the book, she would send it up again.

"Siri perfect timing, have you come to enjoy the show?" Bella asked her cousin as his own laughter filled the halls.

"Piss off Black" Snape spat out continuing the trivial task of jumping for his book.

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