CHAPTER NINE: Minerva Miriam McGonagall

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As the six young children made their way quietly to their first ever detention, tired from a full day of classes, though pleased as Snape was unable to join them all day, Remus interrupted the long silence by saying, "Solely out of curiosity, does anyone else get the feeling that this specific group is going to spend quite a lot of time in detention?" To this the group let out barks of laughter, only Lily shook her head. "No. Of course not," Lily shook her head even more vigorously as she said this, which only made the group laugh even louder. This time, Lily laughed with them.

"Biscuit?" McGonagall greeted her students with a tray of shortbread, earning looks of pleasant surprise at her informality. As she pushed the platter of biscuits to her students, she explained that they would be cleaning classrooms for detention, "without magic." She added this last bit whilst giving a stern look to Sirius and Caelum. The Noble House of Black were not ones to follow rules.

Remus, James, Peter, Sirius, Caelum and Lily were led to one of many abandoned classrooms that was to be turned into a tutoring room. "This is where your cleaning will take place," explained McGonagall, showing them a pile of mops, brooms and rags. "Well go on, get on with it," she added impatiently to the now deflated gang of students. "Ms. Evans, may I speak with you?" "Yes. Of course," Lily replied, with a nervous tone to her voice. Lily slowly made her way over to a corner of the room with her professor, receiving a brief thumbs up from Peter in an attempt to reassure his new friend.

"Am I in trouble Professor?" Lily asked, putting on a confident facade. "No dear, you are not... though I do have a favor to ask. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has always, and always will, offer help to those in need. That of course includes academically, so I would like to offer you the opportunity to tutor young students like yourself, is this something you would be interested in?" "Yes very much so Professor!" Lily said enthusiastically, "Now I will warn you, these tutoring sessions will take place during first year Quidditch practice, so if you choose to accept you will miss those classes" Mcgonagall said, "I will still accept!" Lily said though she wondered how something so perfect could have come along her path, "Yes, dear. Of course," McGonagall said walking away.

Lily walked back into the room she was meant to be cleaning only to find Remus, James, Peter, Sirius and Caelum having a water fight, "What's going on in here" Lily said desperately trying to keep a straight face, "Come on Lili-Boo join us!" James yelled at her through fits of laughter, "Fine" Lily said ignoring the nickname. Caelum pulled James's wrist to the edge of the room and with out removing her wand from the inside of her robe clearly articulated "Aguamenti!" As she summoned water, and suddenly her friends were soaked from head to toe in water. Caelum had just completed wandless magic at the mere age of eleven however she thought this was entirely normal, she'd been using what she'd call small magic for as long as the young girl could remember.

This did leave all her new found friends shook, "Did you just successfully complete wandless magic Caelum?" Remus asked curiously, "Yes why?" Caelum said answering his question with yet another question, now Remus's mind gears were turning, she was eleven how could she do wandless magic? Remus pondered but in the end decided that it must have been a Black thing which he intended to look more into further on once he had gathered more information out of the Black twins.

As the children were playing inside a faint chuckle was let out by Minerva Miriam Mcgonagall, though she was not supposed to pick favorites she felt these children could do no real wrong, however she knew that they would be a serious pain in her arse at times...


Hey, have fun and go dry off luvs!


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