CHAPTER SEVEN: A Mystery To Us All

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Remus was awoken, rather abruptly, by Sirius making an abundance of noise. "Sirius Black! It is an ungodly hour and if you do not shut the hell up, I swear to Merlin I will push you from this widow!" Remus practically yelled with a suddenly thick Welsh accent that, to the rest of the dorm's knowledge, was not there the day before. "For your information Lupin, it is exactly seven AM which means it is the precise time to arise and begin the day as per our dictated schedule. On a completely different note, since when did you have an accent?" Sirius said, slightly amused. "You are rather obnoxious. If you pull your head out of your own arse for a few minutes you'd realize, I'm bloody Welsh! We aren't all English here. I just generally mask my accent for the sake of not answering ridiculous questions." Something had him in a fury, though no one knew what. "That was rude Remus! Really, over the top mate," James scolded. Remus instantly felt bad. He knew he was wrong, and really, he didn't even care about the accent thing. He was just filled with anger like a boiling tea kettle, and, at a point, it would just spill out at the slightest annoyance. He glanced over at Sirius who appeared to be rather unbothered, which only made Remus feel more annoyance at himself for the uncontrolled outburst; "You're right. Sorry mate. That was shitty of me." "Don't fret, I've been called worse" Sirius joked sending Remus a lazy smile, and somehow it was all over as quickly as quickly as it began.

The morning felt a blur as the five Gryffindor's got ready, teasing and laughing with each other after the tense start to the day. Peter Pettigrew, however, felt quite conflicted and uttered not one word all morning. He was very happy with his new friends; however, Remus' outburst had scared him and his mother had warned against associating with anyone bearing the last name, Black. Caelum and Sirius seemed like nice people to Peter, odd people, but nice nonetheless. His mother had never gave him any reason not to trust her word, so in spite of his own feelings, he was struggling with this new found friendship. Peter's mother was a half-blood who went on to marry a muggle and have a child with him. When the soon to-be-father found out about his mother's witchy heritage he left her without ever learning about his son on the way. Peter was raised by his Mother, Linda Pettigrew, who loved her son dearly; though if truth be told, she would go back in time and live a very different life than the dissatisfying one to which she was tethered. In the end Peter decided his mother was being too hasty, assuming that everyone with a certain family name should be avoided. Sirius had even just helped him tie his tie, so he couldn't be all that bad, could he?

James interrupted these thoughts, by reminding the twins in a parental tone, "Caelum, Sirius grab your books," which earned him looks of amused confusion from the twins. "Why? We will simply conjure them when the need arises," Caelum said, with a slight smirk, as though this were as obvious as putting ones socks on. James let out a brief chuckle, trying to seem like he was in on the joke, while shoving his own books into a book bag, entirely confused.

The children sauntered down the staircase each lost in their own thoughts: Caelum, looking rather bored, James overly excited to begin his years at Hogwarts, while Sirius seemed utterly neutral, not bored and not thrilled either, kind of like he was on high alert but trying not to seem that way.

When the five friends reached the common room they were met by a loud group of girls splayed unceremoniously across the floor, giggling and chatting to each other. Pillows also lay all over the room and it looked a disastrous mess. "What do we have going on here?" Remus asked the girls, to which James elbowed him in the stomach. "Morning," Marlene said, getting up and hugging James, who grinned at Remus over her shoulder. The scowl he got in return was priceless.

"Alice couldn't sleep and woke us up at a ludicrous hour, so we came down here to have some tea, then Lily fell and pulled me down with her, so I hit her with the couch cushion and then it was just a chain reaction. Suddenly we were all on the floor in a pillow fight," Marlene said happily, talking to James even though she was answering Remus' question.

After Marlene arose the rest of the girls followed in suit, dusting off their robes as they got up. "Good morning, Sirius. Do you want to walk down to breakfast with me?" Lily asked turning heads at the unlikeliest of all friendships, "It would be a pleasure" Sirius said walking out of the portrait hole with Lily. "I'm sorry, what just happened?" Marlene asked furrowing her eyebrows, "Tis a mystery to us all" Caelum said dramatically before exiting the portrait hole herself.

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