chapter - 11

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Jin avoid namjoon and start walking. Namjoon silently went behind him.

Jin sat beside jimin and waited for the doctor to come out.

Namjoon got a phone call so he went to receive outside. After a while he came back. He was about to talk to jin when the doctor came out making jin hurriedly asked him about taehyung's condition.

" Mr Kim is alright the fetus too is fine right now but we can't say anything about future.
Right now he is too stressed and anxious it's effecting his body. If mr Kim wants to keep the child,he have to be very careful, he can't take stress, he have to eat healthy and be happy. "

Jin thanked the doctor and asked if he can see taehyung. The doctor permits him to see taehyung but since taehyung was sleeping he and jimin just sat beside him without saying anything.

Namjoon asked jin to come outside. He have to go to office so he wants to talk to him before going.

" Thank you for helping us" Said jin not looking at namjoon.

" No need to thank me it's my responsibility to take care of taehyung and the baby.

I have to go to office don't worry if anything happens you can talk to the doctor.

And this is my card and my number. You can call me or visit me if you want, I hope you will think about my proposals. " Said namjoon and went out.
If jin don't agree then he have to think about something else. But there is no way he will change his dicisions.

Taehyung woke up feeling someone's hand in his hair. He knows who this person is. It's his jin hyung. He opened his eyes and saw jimin holding his hand.

" How's my baby? " Asked taehyung.

" The baby is very strong like you nothing happen to him." Said jin chuckling.

" Thank God. " Said taehyung as he put his hand in his belly.

Taehyung sit up and looked at jin who cupped his face and said " tae ? You have to be honest with me. Tell me why u suddenly get anxious. You looked fine when we were having our breakfast. " Asked jin making taehyung look away.

" Tae tell us your thoughts. Don't keep it in your heart. We are here with you." Said jimin.

" Hyung when I saw mr Jeon. I just remembered how much I wanted to work with him. I had so many plans what I will do after I complete my graduation......I don't want to think but it's just I can't help but thinking about all this..." Taehyung look down almost crying.

" Tae..." Before jin could say something a nurse came with medicine.

" Mr Kim you have to eat something then take this medicines right now." Said the nurse. Jin got up and asked the nurse what he should order for taehyung but the nurse said mr Jeon already arranged everything.

A person came with vegitable soup for taehyung. Jin took the Bowl and feed him. Jimin asked when taehyung will able to go home. The nurse said they will give him check up in the evening and if everything goes well he can go home.

" Jin , the boss is angry with you. You can't take leave without informing like this. He gave you warning if u don't came to work tomorrow he will kick you out from this job." Said a co worker making jin sigh.


In the evening the doctor allowed taehyung to go home but keep reminding him that he should follow his diet and routine check ups. The doctor and the nurse even came to the hospital gate with him. Jin asked about the hospital bill, the doctor told him that Jeon namjoon actually own this hospital so he don't need to worry about it.

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