chapter - 39

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" what did you just say? " Jungkook asked cupping taehyung's cheeks.

" Nothing. " Answered taehyung kissing his cheeks.

" you just said.... something. Say it again. " Jungkook demanded but taehyung was also adamant.

" I said nothing you are probably hearing things. " Said taehyung trying not to smile.

" You know what. You don't have to say it now. I am too horney to get emotional right now. Let me just taste you.. " said jungkook and started kissing taehyung's neck making him roll his eyes in disbelief.

" You horney bus**red ! All you care about is se*. I was saying such a important thing.." Taehyung shouted getting annyoned.

" So you were saying something important ? " Asked jungkook while raising his one eyebrow.

" You.." taehyung pouted hearing jungkook.

He pushed jungkook away from him playfully and get up. He is about to go towards the bathroom jungkook stopped him by holding his hand.
He stood behind behind taehyung and kissed his ear before whispering " i am what ? "

Taehyung shivered as he heard jungkook's deep voice.

" You are a cunning person. I don't like you. "  Said taehyung getting away from jungkook.

" You like me very much. Don't lie. " Jungkook made taehyung face him and then kiss him slowly.

Taehyung kissed him back while holding his nape.

Jungkook knew he fell hard for taehyung. There was something about taehyung which attracted him.
He is thankful to his namjoon hyung for making him marry taehyung.


" Are you ready? " Asked jungkook while entering his room only to see taehyung lying down on their bed while hiding his face in his palms.

" What happened babe. Are you okay? "  He asked while sitting next to him.

" I am so nervous kookie I don't think I can do it. " Said taehyung while getting up.

Jungkook chuckled hearing this. He made taehyung stand up and took the tie from the bed. He then start tying it around taehyung's neck.

" You can do this. Don't be nervous. Namjoon hyung will be with you. He will guide you. " Said jungkook and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Today taehyung is going to office for the first time. One side he was excited on the other side he was scared.

" What if I messed up? " Asked taehyung pouting making jungkook kiss his pout.

" It's normal to messed up at first. But remember no one will kick you out even if you messed up something cause it's your company too remember? " Asked jungkook making taehyung slap his chest.

" You are not helping. I Need jin Hyung right now. " Said taehyung and went to jin.


Taehyung got out of his car only to get surprised by seeing many people standing infront of the office. They all smiled at him and one minjae came to him with a smile and banded him a flower bouquet welcoming him.

He looked at namjoon, who smiled at him.

Namjoon and minjae took him inside the office and showed him his cabin, besides namjoon's.

He took a deep breath, he felt like he was holding his breath for so long.

His dream came true and he will work really hard and prove it that he deserve this job.

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