chapter - 37

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Taehyung quickly get up and took gukkie from the crib.

" You wanted to say something? " Asked jungkook looking at namjoon.

" You are going to be an uncle. " Said namjoon making taekook shocked.

" Congratulations hyung i am so happy for you. " Said taehyung and went to hug jin. Jin hugged him back happily.

" Aren't you happy? " Asked namjoon sitting infront of jungkook.

Jungkook looked down for a while then said " I will always be your first baby right? "

Namjoon chuckled and cupped his his face. " You will always first baby. No one will take your place. "

" Okey then I am happy. " Said jungkook hugging namjoon. He then went to jin and said" congratulations hyung. "

" Thanks kookie. Won't you hug me ? " Said jin making jungkook smile. He hugged jin making taehyung pout.
Now he have to share his jin hyung with jungkook.

Namjin then went to tell yoongi and jimin. They were also very happy with the news.

Jin finally slept peacefully in namjoon's arms. Thanking God again and again for giving him this family.


yoongi closed his laptop and went to sleep. He was so happy for his hyung.
Somewhere in his heart he also wants to be a dad.
He layed down on his side and was about to turn off the light he heard jimin sobbing.

He frowned and get up.

" What happened honey ? " He asked putting his hand on jimin's shoulder.

Jimin started crying harder hearing his voice.

" Look at me. What happened? " Yoongi asked making jimin look at him.

" I am so happy for hyung. " He said making yoongi chuckle.

" That's why you are crying? "

" Hyung..he.." jimin stopped making yoongi sigh.

" You know you can trust me with anything right? "

Jimin looked at yoongi with teary. Of course he trust yoongi.

" Hyung thought he won't get pregnant ever but he did now. I am just so happy for him. I made the right dicision. " Said jimin making yoongi frown.

" What do you mean by that ? Explain. " Said yoongi in a authoritative voice making jimin look at him.

Jimin explained everything, how he gets to know about jin, why he agreed to marry yoongi.

At the end yoongi kissed his forehead and hugged him.

" You are too kind for this world. I don't care why you agreed for this marriage. I... just want to know if you are happy with me. Answer me without any hesitation. "

Jimin didn't say anything instead he kissed yoongi on his lips letting him know how much he loves yoongi.

Yoongi kissed him back. He held his waist pulling him close. He was about to remove jimin's sweatshirt when he heard a knock on his door.

Jimin pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily.

He looked away embarrassed.

Jungkook opened the door and came inside with gukkie and a busket.

" Finally learned how to knock." Mocked Yoongi making jungkook roll his eyes.

" I want both of you to take care of gukkie. " declared jungkook and give gukkie to jimin.

" And here is all the things you will be needing. Milk, towels, clothes. " Said jungkook putting the busket in the table.

" Good night gukkie, good night hyungs " jungkook went out before yoongi could say anything.

" Hey wait...." Yoongi sighed when jungkook didn't hear him.

He looked at jimin who was looking at gukkie smiling. He wondered how their baby will look like.

He went to jimin and saw gukkie who was looking at jimin with wide eyes.

Jimin looked at yoongi and a thought came into his mind.

" I told you that I want to a parent after I finish my study but there was another reason why I said that.
I saw how jin hyung would look at taehyung with envy when he was pregnant. He must have felt sad and I didn't wanted to make him more sad by getting pregnant.
Now that he is pregnant. If you wa...nt I don't mind.." said jimin the last feeling shy.

Yoongi was speechless seeing how thoughtful jimin was. He is now fully convinced that jimin is an angel.

He decided to tease his angel little bit.

" Basically you want to say that you are ready to make our baby with me. " Said yoongi making jimin widen eyes.

This man is so shameless no wonder jungkook is his brother.

" You shameless. Gukkie is with us. " Said jimin making yoongi laugh.

" My nephew is still a baby. He won't understand anything right gukkie. Infact he will be happy to get baby brother. "

" Well he is already getting a brother. You don't have to bother. You know what forget everything I said. Let me take care of gukkie. " Said jimin glaring at yoongi.

" That brat kookie. Once we become parents i will make him a professional babysitter for our baby. " Said yoongi making roll his eyes.


Taehyung was never this embarrassed in his whole life. He is now convinced jungkook desn't have any shame. Like how can he go to his elder brother and tell him that to babysit his baby for the night.

He came out of his thoughts when jungkook entered the room.

" Baby, let's take a bath together. " Said jungkook.

" No i am not taking a bath right now. " Said taehyung making jungkook pout.

" Then what about taking a shower together ? " Said jungkook again making taehyung sigh.

" Fine let's take a bath. "

Taehyung entered the bathroom while jungkook entered their closets to grab few things.

Both of them entered their bathtub. Taehyung felt relaxed after a long time.

" Kookie? "

" Listening. " Said jungkook while giving taehyung a shoulder massage. Yes he was eager but he also knew taehyung wanted to tell him something for few days.

" I... I want to join office after one month. It's not that I don't like taking care of gukkie..." Taehyung tried to explain.

" Shh. You don't have to explain. I know you are ambitious, you have your dreams. And i am no one to stop you from chasing your dreams. Don't worry about gukkie i will take care of him. " Said jungkook making taehyung almost teared up.

" Who said you are no one to stop me. You are my life partner you have every right on me. " Said taehyung making jungkook shook.

He put his hand on his forehead from behind and said " do you have fever ?
Baby please don't talk like that. It doesn't suit you. I am happy with my fierce kitten. "

" Shut up kookie. "

" Glad my baby is back. " Said Jungkook.

They were silent until jungkook decided to be naughty.

" That hurts. " winched taehyung when he felt jungkook pinching his right nipple.


Author's note

Sorry for the short chapter this is all I could write for today. I will update next chapter the day after tomorrow.

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