chapter - 22

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" wait who informed you. " Asked namjoon suddenly making jin look at him.

" Minje. " Answered jin.

" Does kookie know that I am here ? "

" I.... don't know. I only told taehyung. " Jin said confused.

" And taehyung must have told kookie. " Said namjoon and picked up his phone. He called yoongi.

" Hello ! "

" yoongi I am hospitalised right now don't worry I am fine.
Jungkook probably get to know about this. Go home and check on him. " Said namjoon.

" Okay. " Yoongi replied.

Namjoon took his medicine and called minje.

He ring the bell to called the nurse. The nurse came and namjoon told her to give his clothes.

Jin frown hearing namjoon saying he is going home but didn't say anything.


Yoongi reached home and went towards jungkook's room.

" Hyung? " Called Taehyung who was behind him.

" How is jungkook ? " Asked yoongi.

" He is sleeping. " answered taehyung.

They both entered the room. Yoongi sat next to jungkook and caresses his hair.

" He knows about hyung? "

" He is so sensitive. Are you sure hyung he is an alpha? " Taehyung tried to lighten up the mood.

Yoongi smiled and said " I am very sure my brother is an alpha.

Btw how did you manage to calm him down ? "

" When I entered the he was crying sitting in the corner. I just talked to him for a while then made him sleep. "

" Our grandpa had cancer. he used to get admitted in a regular basis for his treatment . Jungkook used to be with him since we both used to go school. He was homeschooled because of his own health that time.
Jungkook saw grandpa's health getting worse and worse with time.
When grandpa died jungkook was in the hospital. It's our fault that we let jungkook stay with our grandpa not knowing how it will impact him.

Jungkook is scared of hospitals he thinks doctors don't treat their patients they make it worse. After that if jungkook needed any kind of treatment we call doctors. Namjoon hyung or me one of us will have to stay besides him while the doctor checks on him. He is such a baby I wonder how will treat his baby. " Yoongi reached out for a blanket and put it over jungkook.

" Do you know what happened to hyung ? Since he will never tell me thinking I will be worried. "

" I called minje. Hyung have migraine and he was taking too much stress lately. Doctor told him to take a break.

They are coming home " Said taehyung at last seeing jin's massage.

Yoongi nodded and went to his room to get freshen up.

Jimin also came back from his uni.


Namjoon came home and quickly took a shower. He then went to meet jungkook.

He knocked jungkook's room and entered. He saw jungkook rubbing his eyes.

Jungkook looked at namjoon and immediately run to him. He hugged him tightly and said " I am sorry hyung. "

Namjoon frowned hearing this. He cupped his face and asked " it's not your fault that I didn't take care of myself. "
He wiped his tears and kissed his forehead.

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