chapter - 24

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Namjoon controlled his smile and kept a straight face.

" Don't back away from your words later. "

Taehyung was about to hug jungkook in happiness but his next wors made him stop.

" Now please tell minje to get lost from our home. I can't see his face anymore."

" Fine but don't forget your words. " Said namjoon firmly.

What if you are doing it just because of jealousy ? Of course it's just because you don't want to see minje in our house. Don't think he will start loving gukkie. He will just take responsibility. Thought taehyung.

After that jungkook went to study room and closed the door. He took a breath a tried to come down.

He didn't know why he said that, when taehyung is about to sign the pages he felt like giving a part of him to someone else. Yesterday when he and taehyung spend their time together and taehyung didn't mention gukkie's name he felt weird like he didn't hear something important.

" It's fine. I can do it. I will try to be a father. Atleast I will not see that minje's stupid face.." thought jungkook at the end and stop thinking about why he did it.

He went to his room and searched about how to be a father. He frowned when he saw the results it says "you can be a father in verious way. You can impregnat someone, you can try surogecy or you can adopt. "

" What the fu**" this is not what I want to know. Who wrote these answers. "

He again searched how to be a good father. This time the results were some books related to it.

" I will talk to hyung and ask him for some tips. I am too lazy to read these books. " He told himself and put down his laptop.


On the other hand jimin was confused. Last night yoongi came home late and straight went to sleep. He didn't even ask him about his exam. He first thought yoongi must be tired. But now seeing how early yoongi got ready for office he was sure something is wrong with him.

He took the office bag and handed over to yoongi who didn't even looked at him and start going outside.

" Alpha ? " Jimin called him with a soft voice making him stop.

" What happened? Why are you ignoring me? " Asked jimin at the end his voice cracked a bit.

Yoongi turned around and looked at him. Jimin didn't saw the softness in his eyes, his eyes were cold filled with anger and lust ?

Yoongi throw his bag away and pinned jimin to the wall. Jimin was shocked seeing yoongi like this.

" are you " jimin shuttered while saying this. Yoongi didn't say anything, he tightly hold jimin's hands together and started kissing him neck.

Jimin started panicking, yoongi and him never done anything else other than kissing.

He slightly pushed yoongi away but yoongi didn't get away he instead grabbed his waist tightly and bit his neck harshly.

Jimin started crying. He didn't know why yoongi is doing this. is he was on his rut ? He thought and said in a crack voice " I am not ready for this. Please..."

After hearing this yoongi suddenly stopped and looked at him. He realised what he was doing. He pulled away from jimin and start looking for his suppressents. He found them and gulped down with water.

He then looked at jimin who was crying standing in the corner. He was about to go to him but jimin stopped him showing his hand.

" Why are you behaving like this? Yesterday you ignored me completely and this? You look angry at me for some reason. Did I do anything wrong ? " Asked jimin he really wants to know why yoongi is behaving like this.

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